Jan 19, 2025  
Academic Program Manuals 2023-2024 
Academic Program Manuals 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Business Specialist Program Policies & Procedures

Non-Discrimination Statement

To view the full Non-Discrimination Statement, please visit the College Catalog & Student Handbook or the college website.

Disability Services/Accommodations

Individuals with disabilities who require accommodations for special services should contact the IHCC Disability Services office for assistance. Services are available to students who need classroom accommodations, interpreters and/or specialized equipment.

Students who are requesting accommodations must document their disability by providing a written statement signed by a school counselor, physician, psychologist or other health care professional. Statements must include: (a) a description of the disability, (b) a statement of how the disability prohibits one or more major life activities and is a barrier to the student’s full participation in the program, and (c) a description of the specific accommodations to be provided. (Requested accommodations must be related to the individual’s specific disability.)

All requests for accommodations should be made prior to enrollment.

Students should make their requests for accommodations to the Disability Services office at the time they are applying for admission and, preferably, no later than six weeks prior to the beginning of each academic term. All student requests are dealt with in a confidential manner. Students should contact Disability Services by calling (641) 683-5749 (Ottumwa) or (641) 856-2143, ext. 2214 (Centerville) or by email at [email protected].


Indian Hills Community College is a public post-secondary institution accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the Higher Learning Commission, 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504, and (800)621-7440.

Indian Hills Community College is also accredited by the State of Iowa, Iowa Department of Education, Grimes State Office Building, Des Moines, IA 50319-0146, (515)281-8260.

Program Learning Outcomes

The following list of program learning outcomes describes the knowledge and skills the student should be able to demonstrate upon completion of the program.

  • Communicate effectively-both in writing and orally.
  • Demonstrate ability to keyboard 40 nwpm on five minute timing.
  • Learn to keyboard by touch.
  • Ability to correctly keyboard various business documents from un-arranged copy.
  • Demonstrate ability to ten-key by touch at 180 nspm.
  • Understand the basic principles of computers.
  • Utilize basic accounting principles.
  • Apply accounting principles utilizing accounting software.
  • Understand and use word processing concepts.
  • Understand and use spreadsheet concepts.
  • Understand and use database concepts.
  • Understand and use presentation concepts.
  • Demonstrate ability to integrate software.
  • Demonstrate the proper procedures for mailing and shipping services.
  • Develop ability to spell, pronounce, and define legal terms.
  • Develop and use proper telephone techniques.
  • Understand various methods of file management.
  • Utilize basic math functions.
  • Learn to work in a team environment.
  • Develop the skills necessary to work with the user and meet deadlines.
  • Demonstrate problem solving and decision making techniques.
  • Research data using the Internet.
  • Demonstrate appropriate appearance for career.
  • Research resumes and interview techniques.
  • Develop integrity, objectivity, and ethics in business.
  • Understand financial analysis and interpretations.
  • Utilize integrated learning concepts.

Lab Rules

  • Lab users should maintain professional and courteous communication. Electronic devices should be used in a professional manner.
  • No obnoxious distractions or behaviors will be tolerated. Bring headphones.
  • Please operate the equipment with respect and care.
  • Excessive use of paper and materials may require college reimbursement
  • Do not modify any software or files or overwrite the operating system
  • For any hardware, software, printer, paper, or ink problems, please contact IHCC Helpdesk
  • College policy requires compliance with all U.S. copyright laws. Copying software without appropriate authorization violates these laws. Illegal use of materials in the labs is grounds for denial of use of the labs and confiscation of illegally used materials.
  • Any failure to follow these lab rules may result in the loss of your lab privileges.