Feb 12, 2025  
Academic Program Manuals 2024-2025 
Academic Program Manuals 2024-2025

Dental Hygiene Program Policies & Procedures

Welcome to the Dental Hygiene Program at Indian Hills Community College. This program is eight terms (24 months) in length. Upon successful completion of this program, a diploma will be awarded. Graduates will be eligible to take the Dental Hygiene National Board (NBDHE) exam and must register with the Iowa Dental Board after graduation to legally work in Iowa.

Indian Hills Community College is a public post-secondary institution accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. IHCC is also accredited by the Iowa Department of Education. The Dental Hygiene Program has accreditation from the Commission on Dental Accreditation.

The Dental Hygiene program is part of the Health Sciences Division with oversight from Executive Dean of Instruction, ASsociate Dean of Health Sciences, and the Program Director. 

This Program Policy Manual has been developed by the Dental Hygiene program faculty and is published to familiarize you with the overall campus operations and specific Dental Hygiene policies and procedures. It is to serve as a guide for all students enrolled in the Dental Hygiene program. The Dental Hygiene Program Policy Manual supplements the Indian Hills Community College Student Handbook and the college catalog; consequently all policies and procedures from the Student Handbook are to be observed in addition to those outlined in the following pages.  

This manual contains specific information that may help you understand the policies and procedures of the Dental Hygiene program. Please read this manual carefully and ask questions if any of the information is unclear. You are responsible for being familiar with the information in this manual. It is important and the information will assist you in feeling at home with Indian Hills Community College.

Indian Hills Mission & Purpose

Mission Statement

Indian Hills Community College changes lives by inspiring learning, diversity, social enrichment, and regional economic advancement.


Indian Hills Community College is dedicated to providing a dynamic and timely response to the ever-changing needs of our business community and the populace of our small town and rural areas. In this context, it is our purpose to provide, to the greatest extent possible, the following education opportunities and services:

  • The first two years of college work, including pre-professional education.
  • Vocational and technical training.
  • Programs for in-service training and retraining of workers.
  • Programs for high school completions for students of post-high school age.
  • Programs for all students of high school age who may best serve themselves by enrolling for vocational and technical training, while also enrolled in a local high school, public or private.
  • Programs for students of high school age to provide advance college placement courses not taught at a student’s high school while the student is also enrolled in the high school.
  • Student personnel services.
  • Community services.
  • Vocational education for persons who have academic needs, socioeconomic conditions or disabilities, which prevent succeeding in regular vocational education programs.
  • Training, retaining, and all necessary preparation for productive employment of all citizens.
  • Vocational and technical training for persons who are not enrolled in a high school and who have not completed high school.
  • Developmental education for persons who need academic preparation or academic support in order to succeed in their program of study, or are academically or personally under prepared to succeed in their program of study, as set for in Iowa Code Section 260C.

Dental Hygiene Program Accreditation

The Dental Hygiene program  is granted Full Accreditation by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association, a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education.

The Commission currently publishes, in its accredited lists of programs, the year of the next site visit for each program it accredits. In addition, the Commission posts its spring and fall announcements on the Accreditation Announcements area on www.ada.org or those programs being site visited January through June or July through December.

The United States Department of Education (USDE) procedures also require accrediting agencies to provide an opportunity for third-party comment, either in writing or at a public hearing ( at the accrediting agency’s discretion) with respect to institutions or programs scheduled for review. All comments must relate to accreditation standards for the discipline and required accreditation policies. In order to comply with the department’s requirement on the use of third-party comment regarding  programs’ qualifications for accreditation or re-accreditation, the following procedures have been developed.

Who can submit comments: Third party comments relative the Commission’s accredited programs may include comments submitted by interested parties such as faculty, students, program administrators, Commission consultants, specialty and dental-related organization, patients and/or customers.

How comments can be solicited: The Commission will request written comments from interested parties in the spring and fall accreditation announcements on the website:  www.ada.org.  In fairness to the accredited programs, all comments relative to programs being visited will be die in the commission office no later than 60 days prior to each program’s site visit to allow time for the program to respond. Therefore, programs being site-visited in January through June will be listed in the fall posting of the previous year. Programs scheduled for a site visit from July through December will be listed in the spring posting of the current year. Any resolved issued related to the programs compliance with the accreditation standards will be reviewed by the site visit while on site. Those programs scheduled for review are responsible for soliciting third-party comments from students and patients by publishing an announcement at least 90 days prior to their site visit. The notice should indicate the deadline for 60 days for receipt of third-party comments in the Commission office and should stipulate that comments must pertain only to the standards of the particular program or policies and procedures used in the Commission’s accreditation process. The announcement may include language to indicate that a copy of the appropriate accreditation standards and/or the Commission’s policy on third-party comments may be obtained by contacting the commission at: 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago IL 60611, or by calling 1-800-621-8099, extension 4653.

Types of comments considered: All comments submitted must pertain only to the standards relative to the particular program being reviewed or policies and procedures used in the accreditation process.  Comments will be screened by Commission staff for relevancy. For Comments not relevant to these issues, the individual will be notified that the comment in not related to accreditation and, where appropriated, referred to the appropriate agency.  For those individuals who are interested in submitting comments, requests can be made to the Commission office for receiving standards and/or the Commission’s evaluation Policies and Procedures.

Management of Comments: All relevant comments will be referred to the program at least 50 days prior to the site visit for review and response. A written response form he program should be provided to the Commission office and the site visit team. 15 days prior to the site visit. Adjustments may be necessary in the site visit to allow discussion of comments with proper personnel.

Note: Should any member of the public wish to contact the Commission regarding the Accreditation status of this program, they may do so by writing to:

Commission on Dental Accreditation
American Dental Association
211 East Chicago Avenue

Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60611

Dental Hygiene Program Mission and Program Philosophy

Mission Statement  

The dental hygiene mission is to provide IHCC dental hygiene program students with evidence based education and clinical experiences to build their ethical standards and problem solving skills thus preparing them to become professional hygienist in an evolving health care environment requiring adaption to changing technology, sensitivity to multicultural populations and delivery of patient centered treatment.

Program Philosophy

Indian Hills believes the position of Dental Hygienist has as its primary focus the health needs of all individuals-needs ranging from states of high level wellness to states of illness, disability and impending death. Therefore, education in the Dental Hygiene program is based on a specialized body of knowledge and skills related to maintaining dental health and focuses upon preparation of a competent specialized health professional.

Indian Hills Community College believes that learning is an individual and continuous process resulting in behavioral changes which can be measured, that learning is facilitated and affected by motivation, self-discipline and structured experiences and that the role of the instructor is to guide the learner, identify learning needs and implement the best approaches to meet those needs. We further believe that the Dental Hygiene student is an adult learner and as such is ultimately responsible for their lifelong learning. We believe that the best knowledge base for practice is a combination of general and technical education. This allows the student to develop into an effective practitioner, responsible, culturally-sensitive citizen and more fulfilled mature individual. 


  • To provide a broad-based education for dental hygiene students that will enable them to practice effectively in a variety of settings and /or extend their education.
  • To provide theoretical course work and practical experience in the dental hygiene process of care.
  • To provide dental hygiene students with the theory and practice of patient education, technologies, modalities, and strategies that will enable them to motivate clients to obtain, maintain, and enhance their oral health.
  • To continually evaluate and procure updated modalities for the dental hygiene clinic to ensure the availability of state of the art equipment and technologies for practicum experiences.
  • To provide professional development for the dental hygiene faculty to improve their quality of instruction and for oral health care professionals to improve job performance and career advancement.
  • To provide dental hygiene students with theory and practical experiences with and for a diverse client population.


The IHCC Dental Hygiene program uses admission criteria comparable to the procedures and standards used across the full Health Sciences Division. All students must apply for the program using the standard college application, indicating the desired program of study.  To be considered for admission into the dental hygiene program the applicant must be a DANB certified dental assistant. Prospective students must:

  • Complete an IHCC Application.
  • Request High School and College transcripts.
  • Take the ACT and/or Accuplacer Test.
  • Submit DANB scores.

Admissions are based on a minimum high school or college grade point average and minimum scores on one of the two identified standardized tests. The criteria are not weighed.

After students apply, the college admission’s department evaluates the application for completion of all required criteria prior to marking the application complete. Next, the Enrollment Assistant Health Sciences screens completed applications for minimum G.P.A. and test scores. Students will be admitted into the program until all available seats are filled. Students are notified by the admissions department regarding their application status. ( All courses in the dental hygiene degree program requires a 2.0 or higher. This includes the general education courses within the program.)

Health Sciences screening procedures do not allow for students who do not meet minimum admission criteria to be admitted into the program. If an applicant fails to meet minimum requirements, the student will be advised by program director to take basic general education courses or developmental courses to provide remediation in areas of academic weakness. The Indian Hills Community College SUCCESS center provides developmental coursework as well as group and individual tutoring.


Term 1 - Fall

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
BIO 175 Human Anatomy 3
BIO 176 Human Anatomy Lab 1
DEA 256 Dental Anatomy 2
ENG 105 Composition I 3
MAT XXX Math Elective 3
Total   12 Credit Hours

Term 2 - Winter

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
CHM 121 Introduction to General Chemistry 3
DEA 312 Dental Radiology I 3
DEA 403 Dental Materials 3
Total   9 Credit Hours

Term 3 - Spring

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
BIO 187 Microbiology Lab 4
CHM 132 Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry 4
CSC 105 Computer Essentials 1
DEA 321 Dental Radiology II 2
Total   11 Credit Hours

Term 4 - Summer

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
BIO 178 Human Physiology 3
BIO 179 Human Physiology Lab 1
SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology 3
PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology 3
Total   10 Credit Hours

Term 5 - Fall

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
DHY 117 Advanced Dental Anatomy 2
DHY 165 Advanced Dental Radiology 2
DHY 176 Clinical Procedures 3
DHY 235 Nutrition for Dental Hygiene 2
Total   9 Credit Hours

Term 6 - Winter

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
DHY 123 Oral History and Embryology 2
DHY 143 Oral Pathology 2
DHY 154 Dental Emergency Management 1
DHY 185 Advanced Clinical Procedures 3
DHY 229 Dental Preventative Care 2
DHY 263 Intro to Dental Hygiene Practicum 1
XXX XXX Communication Elective 3
Total   14 Credit Hours

Term 7 - Spring

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
DHY 135 Pharmacology and Pain Control 3
DHY 208 Periodontology 2
DHY 245 Ethics and Jurisprudence 2
DHY 300 Dental Hygiene Practicum 5
Total   12 Credit Hours

Term 8 - Summer

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
DHY 258 Community Health Concepts 2
DHY 320 Advanced Dental Hygiene Practicum 5
DHY 315 Seminar for Dental Hygiene 1
Total   8 Credit Hours

Total Credit Hours - 85

Core Course Descriptions

DEA 256 - Dental Anatomy (2 credits)

Introduces the student to the anatomy of the head and neck with emphasis on the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity, tooth development and morphology, and their purposes in masticatory function.

DEA 312 - Dental Radiography I (3 credits)

The history, characteristics, and measurement of radiation and its effects on biological structures are introduced.  The student will receive training in the use of X-ray equipment and processing techniques in the production of quality radiographs.  The paralleling technique will be presented, as well as the importance of radiation protection and infection control. 

DEA 403 -Dental Materials (3 credits)

Examines the properties and applications of the various materials used in the dental office.  The student will be trained in the preparation of restorative materials and impression materials.  Production of models, fabrication of custom trays, and the use of temporary restorations will be covered, as well as the employment of cast metal and porcelain in the restorative process. 

DEA 321 - Dental Radiography II (2 credits)

Introduces the bisecting angle technique, intra-oral and extra-oral procedures, and the use of imaging in the detection of dental caries and the diagnosis of periodontal disease.  Recognition of radiographic errors and their correction is covered as is an introduction to digital radiography.     

DHY 117 - Advanced Dental Anatomy (2 credits)

This course is a comprehensive study of oral landmarks, tooth morphology and significant structures of the periodontium as it relates to the practice of dental hygiene.
Prerequisites: DEA 256 Dental Anatomy

DHY 165 -Advanced Dental Radiography (2 credits).

The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the interpretation and diagnosis of hard and soft tissue pathologies. Students will be able to recognize the stages of diseases and health in the existing dental structures. Knowledge of radiology exposure and processing will be expanded.
Prerequisites: DEA 321 Dental Radiography II

DHY 176 - Clinical Procedures (3 credits)

The course will provide necessary instruction and supervised practice in the preparation and delivery of basic level patient care. Bothe theory and practiced infection control and delivery of dental hygiene care in the        dental operatory will be reviewed. Topics and discussions include maintenance of equipment, instrument identification, processing of instruments, basic routines for operatory asepsis, patient charting, ergonomics and skill development. Competency is achieved on manikins and peers.     

DHY 235 - Nutrition for Dental Hygiene (2 credits)

This course provides a comprehensive overview of nutritional biochemistry. Emphasis will be placed on the effects of nutrient on oral health and the application of counseling strategies to assist the patient in attaining and maintaining optimum health.

DHY123 - Oral Histology and Embryology (2 credits)

This course is designed to provide students with an embryological foundation regarding the growth and development of the oral facial structures. Topics include developmental timelines for dental structures and the factors influencing them.  Emphasis on initiation, erupting and exfoliation will be covered.
Prerequisite: DHY 117 Advanced Dental Anatomy

DHY 185 - Advanced Clinical Procedures (3 Credits)

The course will provide necessary instruction and supervised practice in advanced dental hygiene instrumentation. Students will acquire advanced skills in developing treatment plans for advance cases. Clinical sessions in the laboratory setting would require student to demonstrate competency utilizing dental hygiene instrument, detection and removal of subgingival deposits, ultrasonic scaling and air polishers. Competency is achieved on manikin and peers.          
Prerequisite: DHY 185 Advanced Clinical Procedures

DHY 154 - Dental Emergency Management (1 credit)

This course is designed to prepare students to recognize and respond to an emergency n the dental office. The student will recognize the importance of developing a dental office emergency plan.          
Prerequisite: DHY 176 Clinical Procedures

DHY 143 - Oral Pathology (2 credits)

This course is designed to provide knowledge in general pathology and specific pathologic processes, including inflammatory and immunologic defenses, as well as neoplastic, metabolic, inherited ad developmental disturbances. The student will be able to develop useful differential diagnosis.          
Prerequisite: DHY 117 Advanced Dental Anatomy

DHY 229 - Dental Preventive Health (2 credits)

This course is designed to provide concepts of health and wellness; theories of teaching and motivation and a thorough knowledge of life stage changes.  Students will identify and research contemporary treatment modalities.
Prerequisite: DHY 176 Clinical Procedures

DHY 300 - Dental Hygiene Practicum  (5 credits)

The course will provide necessary instruction and supervised practice in our on campus dental clinic. This course is designed to prepare the student to assume the role as preventative care provider. Emphasis will be placed on patient selection and treatment, clinical time management and office operations. Competency is achieved on manikins and clinic patients.          
Prerequisite: DHY 185 Advanced Clinical Procedures

DHY 208 - Periodontology (2 credits)

This course is a study of the basic etiology and current classification of periodontal disease. Emphasis will be placed on clinical and histological characteristics of periodontal disease processes, including discussion of contemporary periodontal practices.
Prerequisite: DHY 185 Advanced Clinical Procedures

DHY 135 - Pharmacology and Pain Control (3 credits)

This course will introduce the student to general pharmacology inclining drug classification, uses, actions, interactions, side effects, contraindications, and systemic  and oral manifestations. Administration of local anesthesia as it relates to dental hygiene therapy will be addressed.
Prerequisite: DHY 154 Dental Emergency Management

DHY 245 - Ethics and Jurisprudence (2 credits)

This course will  include resources and processes for board application and licensure requirements, qualifications for practice, standards of practice. Other topics will include cultural diversity, legal and ethical responsibilities and sexual harassment.      
Prerequisite: DHY 185 Advanced Clinical Procedures

DHY 258 - Community Health Concepts (2 credits)

This course will emphasize the principles, theories and concepts of community oral health as well as the methods for determining community oral health status, identifying barriers to optimum health and selecting appropriate interventions. Student will work in teams to develop and implement a series of programs to present to community organizations and public schools.
Prerequisite: DHY 290 Dental Hygiene Practicum I

DHY 320 - Advanced Dental Hygiene Practicum  (5 credits)

The course will provide necessary instruction and supervised practice in our on campus dental clinic. This course is designed to prepare the student to assume the role as preventative care provider. Emphasis will be placed on planning treatment for patient with special needs, complex periodontal cases, disease management and initial periodontal therapy. Competency is achieved on clinic patients.
Prerequisite: DHY 290 Dental Hygiene Practicum I

DHY 315 - Seminar for Dental Hygiene (1 credit)

This seminar cause is a capstone course which will encompass the dental hygiene curriculum.  Preparing for the state hygiene board examination will be discussed.  Standards for proper patient selection and case studies will be shared and analyzed. Students will also prepare for a career as a dental hygienist. Students will prepare letters of application, resumes, professional portfolios and be interviewed in a mock interview experience.     
Prerequisite: DHY 290 Dental Hygiene Practicum I

Essential Requirements

The following is the description of the physical and mental efforts required of the student in the Dental Hygiene program. A student must be able to perform these requirements with or without reasonable accommodations as outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The student is responsible to sign the Dental Hygiene Program Policy Manual stating that they are able to meet the Dental Hygiene essential functions listed below.

Please note: Indian Hills Community College will not compromise on any essential skill or requirement in a course or degree. All students are expected to meet essential requirements. Students with disabilities must also meet these requirements, either with or without accommodations. It is therefore the responsibility of the student with disabilities to request those accommodations that they feel are reasonable and are needed to execute the essential requirements as described. Students with disabilities must contact Disability Services located in Trustee Hall for an interview to request accommodations.

Physical Requirement

  • Manual Dexterity: Students must have above average fine motor control (dexterity) to perform moderately difficult/difficult manipulative skills.
  • Mobility: Students must be able to move freely and safely about the dental equipment and operatory. The student must be able to reach operatory counters and shelves. The students must be able to tolerate lengthy periods of physical activity including moving quickly at times. The student must be able to safely manipulate dental equipment in the patent’s mouth.
  • Stamina: Students must be able to perform tasks that require arm steadiness, hand steadiness, leg steadiness, and upper and lower body strength.
  • Strength: Students must have the ability to push/pull and lift objects of approximately 45 pounds.
  • Coordination: Students must have the ability to perform tasks that require hand – eye coordination.
  • Sight: Students are required to see objects at 20/20 corrected vision or 20/40 without correction and be able to read fine print. Students must also be able to determine changes in patient status through visual observation. Color discrimination is required as is shade selection for restorations, warning lights on equipment, color coding of dental instruments and disposables.
  • Hearing: Students must have normal range hearing, either corrected or uncorrected, for functional use. 
  • Tactile: Students must be able to distinguish hard and soft tissues through tactile senses for functional use as listed below.

Intellectual/Conceptual Requirements

  • Concentration: Students must have the ability to concentrate on moderate to fine detail with frequent interruption.
  • Attention Span: Students must have the ability to attend to multiple functions and patients often for an extended period of time.
  • Conceptualization/Application: Students must have the ability to select and use technical principles, ideas and theories in a problem-solving situation and adjust procedures accordingly.
  • Communication: Students must be able to communicate effectively in Standard English, in verbal and written format with patients, dentists, families and other health care workers. Students must be able to respond professionally and effectively in unexpected situations.

Essential Behavioral Requirements

  • Students must be able to prioritize and complete projects within realistic constraints. The student must be able to exercise sound judgment and decision-making skills during periods of stress. A high level of emotional maturity and self-control is necessary. The student must remain flexible and be adaptable to change.
  • Dental Hygiene students have a high risk for exposure to blood, body fluids or tissues, infectious diseases, combative and difficult patients, some toxic chemicals, some noxious odors, and fast-paced, high stress clinical situations. Students must recognize these potentially hazardous situations and proceed safely.
  • Students must seek help when needed. The student must accept constructive criticism and work to improve performance. The student must support and promote activities of fellow students and other healthcare professionals.

If you have a disability of any kind and will need reasonable accommodations or assistance in the classroom or with any course in this program, please see the instructor or student services.

Repeat/Readmission Policy

Program statistics indicate that students that repeat specific courses more than one time or re - enter the program multiple times are less likely to be successful on the national board testing. To support student success the following repeat policy statements have been developed:

Students will be allowed to repeat a core Dental Hygiene course one time if they do not achieve a final grade of a “C” (78%) or better.

Any student enrolled in a core Dental Hygiene course, which results in a withdrawal (after that 8th day of the term) or grade of less than 78%, constitutes an attempt of the course.

Students repeating a course must meet with the Program Director to receive permission to repeat the course and complete the required “Contract for Returning Students.”

Students desiring to re-enter the Dental Hygiene program will be required to complete the appropriate college and program forms which can be found in this manual.Prior to re-entering the program applicants will be required to submit a plan of action identifying strategies that will be implemented to support student success. A conference will then be scheduled with the Program Director to review the plan of action before the student registers for classes.

Students requesting to re-enter the Dental Hygiene program, after the allotted one time; will be considered on an individual basis. Factors that may be considered include, but are not limited to:

  • Academic Success
  • Remediation Activities
  • Clinical Performance
  • Student Behavior/Attitudes/Professionalism
  • Attendance Pattern

Students that do not complete Term 1 of the Dental Hygiene program are not considered a re-entry student. They must reapply and be screened for admission to the program based on testing and G.P.A. scores for that term.

Readmission is based on the availability of space in the current cohort.

Due to advances in technology and Dental Hygiene practices, readmission to the Dental Hygiene program after an extended time (3 years from initial enrollment) may necessitate repeating all core Dental Hygiene courses.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate: the student must complete all of the courses in the Dental Hygiene coursework. Core dental hygiene (DHY) courses must be completed with a 78% or higher in order to be considered passing. In addition, students must complete the coursework in sequence. There are no exceptions to sequence or content.

Program Competencies

  • Systematically collect, analyze and record data on the general, oral and psychological health status of a variety of clients using methods consistent with medicolegal principles.
  • Use critical decision making skills to reach conclusions about the client’s dental hygiene needs based on all available assessment data.
  • Collaborate with the client, and/or other health professions, to formulate a comprehensive dental hygiene care plan that is client centered and based on current scientific evidence.
  • Provide care to all clients using an individualized approach that is humane, empathetic, and caring.
  • Provide screening, referral, and educational services that allow clients to access the resources of the health care system.
  • Provide community oral health services in a variety of settings.
  • Provide specialized treatment that includes preventive and therapeutic services designed to achieve and maintain oral health. Assist in achieving oral health goals formulated in collaboration with the client.
  • Provide dental hygiene care to promote client health and wellness using critical thinking and problem solving in the provision of evidenced based practice.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented clinical, preventive, and educational services and modify as needed.
  • Evaluate and utilize methods to ensure the health and safety of the client and dental hygienist in the delivery of dental hygiene services.
  • Respect the goals, values, beliefs and preferences of the patient while promoting optimal oral and general health.
  • Assume responsibility for dental hygiene actions and care based on accepted scientific theories and research as well as the accepted standard of care.

Standards of Practice

Standard 1: Assessment

Dental hygiene students at IHCC are expected to systematically collect, analyze and document the oral and general health status and client/patient needs. The dental hygiene student will conduct a thorough, individualized assessment of assigned clients/patients with or at risk for oral disease or complications. Our assessment process requires ongoing collection of data and interpretation of relevant data. Data will be documented in our computer software program currently supplemented by a paper file for documentation necessary for teaching and learning of the dental hygiene process of care.

  • Patient history
  • Comprehensive clinical evaluation
  • Risk assessment

Standard 2:  Dental Hygiene Diagnosis

Dental hygiene students at IHCC are expected to utilize their data collection to identify existing or potential oral health problem(s) that they are educationally qualified and will be licensed to treat. The dental hygiene student creates a dental hygiene diagnosis by analyzing the collected data and utilizing critical decision making skills in order to reach conclusions about the client/patients dental hygiene treatment needs and the client’s self care needs.

  • Data assessment
  • Dental hygiene care addressing patient   
  • Dental hygiene diagnosis as a part of overall dental treatment plan

Standard 3: Planning

 Dental hygiene students at IHCC are expected to recommend goals and establish expected outcomes based on patient needs, expectations, values, and current scientific evidence. The dental hygiene treatment plan is based on the assessment findings, the dental hygiene diagnosis, and the client/patient’s input/commitment.

  • Dental hygiene intervention
  • Coordinate resources to facilitate comprehensive quality care  
  • Collaboration with other health care providers including dentists
  • Presentation and documentation of treatment plan to patient
  • Concise and understandable explanation of planned treatment, intervention, anticipated outcomes, options, and patient commitment
  • Informed consent and/or informed refusal

Standard 4: Implementation

Dental hygiene students at IHCC are expected to implement the delivery of dental hygiene services based on the dental hygiene care plan in a manner that minimizes risk, optimizes oral health, being proactive with current technological advancements.

  • Dental hygiene care plan implementation with patient/caregiver
  • Modifications as needed and obtaining consent
  • Use of appropriate communication skills for a variety of patients
  • Maintenance care confirmation and scheduling

Standard 5: Evaluation

Dental hygiene students at IHCC are expected to evaluate the outcomes of their dental hygiene care. The evaluation process includes the use of measureable assessment criteria to determine whether goals are met or need to be altered. The dental hygiene student is expected to use critical thinking skills to determine when additional diagnostics, treatment, referral, education and continuing care are needed. In addition, the dental hygiene student will document the changes in treatment or client self-care appropriately communicates this to the client/patient.

  • Assessment criteria to evaluation outcomes
  • Communication to other health care providers involved regarding outcomes
  • Collaboration to determine need for additional diagnostics, treatment, referral, education, and continuing care based on treatment outcomes and self-care behaviors

Standard 6: Documentation

Dental hygiene students at IHCC are expected to complete and accurate record all collected data, treatment planned and provided, recommendations, and other information relevant to patient care and treatment. The dental hygiene student is expected to follow ethical and legal responsibilities of record keeping, be compliant with HIPPA regulations, and protect the confidentiality of patient information. In addition, the dental hygiene student will document client/patient failed appointments and other inappropriate behaviors that may constitute a violation to their responsibilities as identified in our Client Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.

  • Documentation of all components of the dental hygiene process of care Objective documentation of interactions between patient and IHCC student (s), clinicians, and staff
  • Accurate and legible recording
  • Ethical and legal responsibilities met during record keeping Compliance with HIPAA
  • Respects and protects confidentiality of patient information

These Standards were adapted from the Standards for Clinical Dental Hygiene Practice, ADHA

Quality Assurance System

  • Begins with interview by the receptionists during appointment scheduling
  • Data entry into computer Critical medical history questions
  • Critical interpretation of patient wants/needs
  • Knowing if they were referred by community agency
  • Finding needs of outside agency when referred
  • Communicating appointment times, length of appointment including it may take multiple appointments, and a range of possible fee for service
  • Forwarding information to assigned dental hygiene student via computer notes
  • Forwarding information to DDS for prescription needs prior to appointments

During patient care: DHY student completes the Oral Exam using the items below, followed by a thorough evaluation by the clinical instructor. Agreed upon treatment is written and authorized by the clinical instructor.

  • Use of data collection materials
  • Consistent computer software program
  • Supplemental paper forms (e.g. nutritional assessment, tobacco cessation)
  • Use of the Dental Hygiene Care Plan
  • Use of client care worksheet (s)
  • Presumptive diagnosis page
  • Intervention page
  • Patient informed consent/refusal
  • Agreed upon goals
  • Agreed upon DHY services documented (treatment plan)
  • Generation of assessment form data
  • Use of the Treatment Plan
  • DHY services provided and evaluated by the clinical instructor
  • Narrative section for documentation
  • Computer note section for documentation
  • Generation of assessment form data
  • Patient satisfaction survey encouraged
  • Small Group Procedures
  • Some procedures and evaluative data entered into computer by receptionist
  • Computer reports (student profile sheets) generated weekly for student/faculty group mentor
  • Timely (within 1 week) identification of treatment care deficiencies &/or student skill deficiencies
  • Timely discussions for improvement of quality client care, skill or technique development, critical thinking development, etc.
  • Evaluative procedures on student skills that were assessed with weaknesses needing small group discussion and input
  • Computer entry sheets generated and sent back to receptionist for next week’s entry
  • Further patient recommendations/treatment/referral are decided and planned
  • If no further patient needs, client is released for recare (individualized pertaining to client diagnosis, outcomes, and prognosis)
  • Use of student profile sheets
  • Current report of student procedures completed
  • Current report of student quality average
  • Data is current for comparing to set measurements
  • Easily identifies student deficiencies for early remediation
  • Use of client surveys
  • Feedback for our overall program/clinical improvement

Personal Standards

  Personal Hygiene/Hair

  • Must be kept out of the field of operation by a shorter length, tied, or held back with some kind of restraint. (NO hair bands/clips with accessories attached)
  • Hair color must be tasteful (no blue, purple, green, orange or bright red dyed hair or hair extensions. Hair extensions must resemble normal human hair)
  • Shower and wash hair daily.
  • Facial hair covered with a mask or shield,
  • Jewelry removed from arms, hands, and face/ears (1 pair post stud earrings on the lower ear lobes are permissible). Gauges, tongue/oral piercings and any visible facial, neck, or hand piercings must be removed for clinic setting. (1 pair post earrings on the lower ear lobe is allowed)
  • Apply Daily deodorant.


  • Nails must be clean and short (nail tips are not visible beyond the finger tip), no nail polish or artificial nails.
  • Rinse and dry hands - fingertips to wrists.
  • Spray hands with antimicrobial & rub systematically until dry.
  • Spray antimicrobial between clients is to be used between patients.
  • Wash hands before leaving clinical area.


  • Students’ clinic attire:
    • Clean IHCC approved scrub pants and scrub top and scrub jacket.
    • Clean, white shoes and white socks (shoes only used for clinic and kept in your locker.)
    • Impermeable gown (provided for you).
  • Students’ lab attire
    • Clean scrubs identified above.
    • IHCC approved lab coat covering from neckline to waist or longer, long sleeved.

Protection Policy

Indian Hills Community College is informing that all students entering the dental hygiene program will  have exposure to infectious diseases.  Infection control procedures are mandated to prevent the contamination and spread of diseases.

  • Immunizations for HBV, Tetanus, Rubeola, Rubella, and Mumps.
  • Annual influenza vaccination.
  • Annual tuberculosis test. 

Examination Gloves

  • Worn for all intraoral procedures and when working with contaminated objects in the laboratory such as study impressions
  • Cover the sleeve of the gown or lab coat
  • Change if discolored, torn, or sticky
  • Changed for long appointment procedures (longer than 60minutes)
  • Must not be washed or otherwise reused
  • Change between patients
  • Remove and wash hands before leaving the clinic or lab
  • Are not to be worn any area other that direct patient care

Heavy Duty Gloves

  • Worn for all cleaning and disinfection of instruments, dental units or equipment, and environmental surfaces.

Masks and/or Faceshields

  • Worn for all intraoral procedures
  • Change for each patient
  • Change if it becomes moist
  • Change every twenty minutes during procedures creating high levels of aerosols
  • Face shields may be worn over the mask
  • Worn for all cleaning/disinfecting procedures


  • Worn for all intraoral and laboratory procedures
  • Cover the entire orbit
  • Have side extensions
  • Be cleaned and disinfected between clients
  • Worn for all cleaning/disinfecting procedures.
  • Faceshield may be worn in place of goggles or eyeglasses

Protective Clothing

  • Worn for all intraoral procedures

Surface Barriers

  • Change between clients
  • Cover equipment and objects being touched during the intraoral procedure
    • light handles
    • chair switches
    • hoses
    • X-ray head and collimator
    • control panel/button in the x-ray area
  • Cover client’s chest region with a disposable bib (include a plastic cover for high moisture procedures).

Processing Radiographs

  • Cover equipment with barrier wraps and covers
  • Expose images with gloved hands
  • Discard gloves after digital imaging and wash hands

Sharps Disposal

  • Anesthetic containers are disposed of in the “sharps box”

Medication Disposal

  • All opened, used medication remaining in cartridges must be disposed in the black medication box in the sterilization lab
  • Flush all water lines following the manufacturers’ recommendations (generally at the beginning and end of each day)
  • Empty the antimicrobial bottles and rinse thoroughly – set upside down to dry
  • Use automatic equipment process for power scaler and air polisher hoses
  • Flush the water syringe for 1 minute
  • Evacuation tubing must be flushed with the commercial cleansing liquid at the end of each

Environmental Surface Disinfection

  • Spray heavily, spread, and respray (leave wet for 10 minutes)
    • Cabinets and drawer pulls
    • House ends
    • Couplings
    • Saliva ejector tip (the end that holds the disposable ejector)
    • Patient chair and control buttons
    • Operator stool including up/down handle
    • Ultrasonic scaler
    • Prophy jet
    • Air/water syringe handle
    • Pens and pencils
    • Hand piece and suction supports
    • Clean suction supports and cover with an impermeable

Disinfection of removable and orthodontic appliances

  • Place in a double bagged zip-lock bag filled with disinfection solution(non-toxic)
  • Place in the ultrasonic cleaner for 3 minutes (longer for heavily contaminated appliances)             
  • Removal from solution in bag is done with gloved hands
    • Discard solution and bags immediately
    • Rinse and brush the appliance under running water
    • Soak appliance in cup filled with an anti-microbial mouth rinse until returned to client

Disinfection of study model impressions (prior to pouring)

  • Spray heavily with an appropriate disinfectant (tuberculocidal) and leave wet for 10minutes
    • Rinse, let air dry
    • With gloved hands, pour up with stone or plaster
    • Removal of impression from cast is done with gloved hands
    • Discard disposable tray and impression material immediately
    • Trim model (wearing gloves, protective eyewear, and lab coat; a high filtration mask and/or faceshield)
    • PPE must be removed before leaving the lab and hands washed

Instrument Sterilization

  • Students’ contaminated instruments
    • Containment, decontamination, and packaging is in the dispensary area
    • Must be handled with heavy duty household gloved hands
    • Leave in steribox
    • Soak in disinfecting solution until sterilization preparation can be done (not necessary if preparation is completed immediately following appointment)
    • If placed in holding tank, remove, rinse, and place in the ultrasonic cleaner
    • If holding tank was not used, place cassette of instruments in the ultrasonic clean for 5 to 10 minutes (5 minutes for small load; 10 minutes for large load)
    • Rinse and check for visible debris by rotating instruments while in their cassette
    • If visible contamination is still present, remove with a scrub brush or end of another instrument and reuse the ultrasonic cleaner
    • Re-inspect - if clean, proceed; if not, repeat steps 5-8 until visible clean
    • Wrap, insert paper monitor, tape, and label the cassette or place loose instruments in paper wraps
    • Place in storage bin for contaminated instruments next to the sterilizers

After Sterilization

  • Keep wrapped and store in your assigned unit shelf
  • Open after your client has arrived and dump on pre-set tray
  • Cover with patient’s clean bib
  • Arrange them after are gloved just prior to intraoral procedures

IHCC Clinic’s Contaminated Instruments (autoclavable)

  • Containment, decontamination, and packaging is in the dispensary area
  • Handled with heavy duty household gloved hands
  • Keep in cassette for processes
  • Soak in disinfecting solution until sterilization preparation can be done (not necessary if preparation is completed immediately following appointment)
  • Place in appropriate steri container
  • Ultrasonic sonic clean for 5-10 minutes as described above
  • Rinse and check for visible debris
  • Place paper monitor inside the see-through autoclave bag along with your instruments
  • Label, seal and date(IHCC s)
  • Place in storage bin for contaminated instruments next to the sterilizers
  • Following sterilization, these are stored in designated drawer or cabinet

IHCC Clinic’s Contaminated Instruments (Non-autoclavable)

  • Containment, decontamination, and packaging is in the dispensary area
  • Handled with heavy duty household gloved hands
  • Place in appropriate cassette
  • Soak in disinfecting solution until sterilization preparation can be done (not necessary if preparation is completed immediately following appointment)
  • Ultrasonic sonic clean for 5-10 minutes
  • Rinse and check for visible debris
  • Pat dry; place in room temperature sterilizing solution
  • Remove, rinse, dry the next day (duty of first dispensary person each day)
  • Wrap in see through self-sealing bags; label “IHCC ‘s”, seal and date
  • Following sterilization procedure, store in designated drawer or cabinet.

Books and Uniforms

Textbooks, uniforms, safety glasses, and instrument kit for the Dental Hygiene program can be purchased at the college’s bookstore. The list of required textbooks for each course can be found in the bookstore.

All classroom courses require: notebooks, paper, pens, pencils and binders.

All lab courses require: instrument kit, safety glasses, clinic shoes, IHCC scrubs, lab coats, utility gloves and radiology dosimeter.

Clinical Component

All students have, as part of the curriculum, learning experiences in clinical areas. A clinical learning experience is obtained in the IHCC dental clinic and gives the student the opportunity to apply knowledge that has been acquired in the classroom.

  • All clinical days must be attended. The student is ultimately responsible for accruing the required clinical time. 
  • Students must attend all clinic days assigned by the Clinic Coordinator, must be present in the clinic area and be involved in direct patient care.
  • A clinic supervisor will be responsible for assignments and learning experiences of the students in each clinic setting. 
  • Declared pregnant students will be made aware of the potential risks in clinic areas and are required to sign a form releasing the school and clinic facility from liability if they choose to remain in the program. See “Pregnancy Policy” for more information.
  • Clinic competency evaluations are based on the student’s ability to exhibit readiness for performing examinations.  
  • The student shall perform all procedures with direct supervision until competency is proved and with indirect supervision thereafter. According to the Commission on Dental Accreditation, all clinic faculty must be a Registered Dental Hygienist or Dentist.
  • Students admitted to the Dental Hygiene program will be required to have annual influenza vaccination, TB test and drug testing, dependent adult/child abuse and criminal background checks prior to entering the clinical component of the program.  Reports generated from criminal and abuse background checks will be evaluated by a single point of contact to determine clinical eligibility. The cost of the background checks, and any other required piece of documentation, will be the sole responsibility of the student. The student will pay the fee required to process the background check.

Units of Time

  • Length of Program: 24 Months
  • Class Days: Monday – Thursday, the IHCC campus is open from 7:15-4:45, closed Fridays for terms 1-6 except for clinic times in terms 7-8, students will be assigned clinic times Monday – Friday from 7:00am – 6:30pm. Every student will be assigned a Friday clinic time.
  • Some terms may require students to start at 7:00AM for course work and clinical.
  • Clinic Days: Monday – Friday
  • Holidays: No classes are held and no clinic days are scheduled on holidays. Indian Hills observes the following holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Students are not allowed to make up clinical time during IHCC observed breaks.
  • Vacations: All students will receive a Winter Break corresponding with the college’s scheduled Winter Break. A college calendar is provided in the IHCC.edu webpage. Students will also receive a Spring Break that will correspond with the college’s scheduled Spring Break, as shown on the calendar. Summer Breaks are scheduled for one week in May and one week in August, which corresponds with those shown on the calendar. Please plan your vacations around those scheduled by the college.  Faculty cannot take time to arrange prior testing for you.
  • Clinic Rotations: The Clinical Coordinator decides all clinic rotation schedules. Any changes in clinic assignments will not be made unless educational benefits are obtained and all parties are consulted prior to final changes.
  • Graduation: Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA (to graduate from Indian Hills Community College) and obtain a minimum grade of “C” or 78% in all required classes. All clinic time missed due to leave of absences, etc., must be completed before the student may graduate.

Attendance Policy

Prospective employers consider attendance records a good indicator of future employee behavior. We consider attendance important for that reason and because learning rarely takes place if you are absent, regardless of the reason. Therefore, to satisfactorily complete the objectives of the Dental Hygiene program, the following policies must be adhered to:

  • Students are expected to be present for all classroom and clinical experiences to attain the objectives of the program. If a student is unable to attend class on campus, they are to report their absence each day, stating name and reason. Students are to call the Program Director at: 641-683-5120 to report absences. An absence from the Clinic requires a call to both the Clinical Coordinator and the Clinical Supervisor. Failure to comply will result in a conference report, an unexcused absence and a deduction in course grades. If you miss class for an illness, you will not be allowed to be in the clinic that same day.
  • All absences and failure to be on time for classes or clinical experiences will be documented in the student’s record. Any student being more than 10 minutes late for a clinic day will be considered as absent for the day, you will be sent home and that day’s credit will be deducted from your grade.  Any student being more than 10 minutes late to a campus class period, will be docked the standard quiz score plus their professional component points for that class period.
  • The faculty will review attendance frequently to determine if each student is meeting the objectives of the program. Documentation of missed clinical rotation days will be made on the student time card provided to each student at the beginning of the clinical rotation. Each student is responsible for making sure the time sheet is signed by their clinical supervisor. Failure to meet these objectives or falsification of any portion of the Clinical Timesheet will result in the student meeting with the faculty and possible termination from the program.
  • Students needing to take a Leave of Absence (maternity, surgery, death in the immediate family, hospitalized child) may submit a written request to the Program Director for review by the Attendance Review Committee. Approval is based on the following:
    • If the student’s previous performance indicates they are able to achieve the objectives of the program.
    • If it is possible for the faculty to plan the student’s program so all learning experiences can be satisfactorily completed.
    • If a leave is granted, the student will be scheduled to make up the clinical days missed.
  • A maximum maternity leave of four (4) weeks will be granted for an uncomplicated pregnancy. Any further extension of maternity leave will require a written excuse from the attending physician.
  • When leaving the clinic before or at the completion of the clinic day, the student must report to their clinical supervisor and ask permission prior leaving.
  • In case of inclement weather days, called by the College, students are not expected to attend clinic. If the student feels the conditions are too extreme for travel and makes the decision not to attend, despite the college being open, the clinical time will be deducted. A school alert system has been established to keep you aware of any school cancellations. This system has been proven to be an excellent way of communicating school closings, so be sure to register for this free service.  
  • Time sheet will be signed by the clinical supervisor. A record of this documentation will be kept in the student’s permanent file. The original time sheet must remain in the student’s Clinical Education Guide.   
  • Students who are absent from class regardless of reason will lose opportunities for clinic time.
  • If a student fails to call in absent before the class period ends on a scheduled exam day, the student will receive a “0” for that exam. Quiz B will be given at Quiz A points.
  • Students will be allowed the opportunity to makeup exams due to absence, however, the student that misses an exam must initiate the makeup process by contacting the instructor. Makeup exams will be scheduled by the student in the Testing Center where the exam will be given in an alternate format (ie: essay, short answer, etc.). All make-up exams will be taken at the testing center in Trustee Hall. If the make-up exam is not completed within 1 week of the date and time of the original exam, the student will receive a zero for that exam.
  • Late assignments will automatically receive a 10% deduction  for each day late and must be submitted at the next regular meeting of that class, unless a leave of absence has been granted. Students failing to meet this standard will receive a zero for the assignment.
  • Laboratory demonstrations will not be repeated for an absent student.  If a student misses a lab class where a competency was done, they are responsible for obtaining the information/notes from a classmate and then scheduling a time with the instructor to complete their competency. 
  • Students are responsible for obtaining all required clinic time and procedures per term.

Tardy/Late Attendance Policy

All students are expected to be in class and clinic at the designated time. Attendance is taken daily and tardiness and attendance are noted. Excessive tardiness and absences will be reflected in three ways:

  • The scores in punctuality and dependability of the Clinical evaluation form are lowered by tardiness/absences.
  • Quizzes are given during or collected at the beginning of class and they cannot be made up, resulting in a score of zero. In the case of late assignments, students must turn in the assignment at the next scheduled class period and must take a 10% deduction.

No-Call/No-Show Policy

It is never acceptable for a student to not show up and not to call.  Just as in the real world, you cannot fail to show up for a job without expecting negative consequences. No show/no call will jeopardize program completion and lower the class grade.

The student that does not show up for class/clinical and does not call will receive a un-excused absence. No make-up grades will be given, although the material must be made up within the “late homework” limitations mentioned above.

Grading Policy

Examinations will be given throughout each course. Each instructor will determine the time of the tests and a schedule will be provided to the student. All schedules are tentative based on the needs of the class.

Conferences known as “Mentoring Sessions” will be scheduled each term to discuss grades, progress and personal concerns. Students may feel free to schedule conferences with the instructor or Program Director at any time. Students are expected to take the initiative in scheduling conferences when grades are below average or if the student feels they are having difficulty in class.

Any student whose current term G.P.A. falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation for the next term. Academic probation may affect your financial aid. See the Financial Aid Counselor for clarification of your individual situation.

Two terms of academic probation in succession will result in dismissal from the College.

Grades are based upon individual achievement, not upon the relative performance of your classmates. Should a student be unable to complete some portion of assigned course work during the regular term, a mark of “I” (incomplete) may be assigned. In such cases, the student must then complete the course work by midterm of the following term. “Incomplete” grades automatically convert to the letter grade “F” unless the work is satisfactorily completed within the specified 6-week time period.

Students who wish to terminate or withdraw from the program are required to obtain appropriate papers and meet with the Program Director. Withdrawal forms completed and processed two weeks prior to the final date of the term insures that the student does not receive grades of “F” for all of the courses they were enrolled in at the time of the withdraw.

Health Sciences grading is based upon the following percentage scale: 

Percentage Scale Letter  Grade Numerical Grade
100-93 A 4
92-85 B 3
84-78 C 2
77-75 D 1
74-0 F 0

You may compute your GPA at any time by following this example:

Course Credit Hours Numerical Grade Grade Points
Nutrition for Dental Hygiene 2 A (4) 8
Human Physiology 3 B (3) 9
Human Physiology Lab 1 P 0
Oral History and Embryology 2 C (2) 4
Advanced Clinical Procedures 3.5 B (3) 10.5
Advanced Dental Anatomy 2 C (2) 4
Total Credit Hours: 13.5 Total Grade Points: 35.5

Total Grade Points divided by Credit Hours (excluding pass/fail) = Grade Point Average (GPA)

(35.5/12.5 = 2.84 GPA)

Should a student detect any errors concerning their grades, they should notify the school within two weeks after the grades have been posted. The student should check any individual grade questions immediately with the instructor who issued the grade. If you have questions, regarding your GPA, please contact the Program Director.

Testing Policy

  • Examinations will be given throughout each course. Each instructor will determine the time and content of the tests.
  • A student must notify the course instructor prior to test date or before the class period in which the test is being given ends.  Otherwise they will receive a zero for that exam.
  • Prior excused make-up examinations must be completed within one week. The student that missed the exam must initiate the make-up process with the instructor. The student will be responsible for scheduling the make-up exam with the Testing Center in Trustee Hall.  The make-up exam will be presented in an alternate format.
  • Quizzes may  be made up as a Quiz B for Quiz A points.
  • Make-up tests may not be scheduled during class, lab or clinical time.
  • All make-up tests will be sent to the testing center (Trustee Hall).
  • Students attending class must complete the testing for that day even if they were absent for the test review.
  • Final, comprehensive examinations are scheduled for each course at the end of each term.
  • The use of cell phones is NOT allowed during testing for ANY reason.
  • Students who are tardy for a test will not be allowed entrance during the testing and must make up the test outside of class time and suffer the late penalty.
  • Students requiring accommodations for testing should contact Disability Services to obtain the necessary assistance. Classroom instructors may not make accommodations without proper notification from Disability Services.
  • All books, book bags, and notebooks must be closed and placed under the student desk/table or at the side of the classroom. Cell phones must be off and left in the closed bag. No hats may be worn. If additional paper is needed, it will be provided by the instructor. Calculators will be allowed as determined by instructor.
  • Any student caught cheating on an exam will be dismissed from the room and receive a zero for the exam.  A conference with the Program Director will be scheduled and the incident recorded in the student file. This will result in possible dismissal from the program.
  • Students having questions regarding previous tests should contact the instructor AFTER class.
  • To minimize distractions for students who are testing, you are asked to sit quietly after submitting the completed test paper. If you choose to leave the room at the completion of the test, do so quietly and do not re-enter the classroom until all students have completed testing.
  • Tests will be graded as soon as possible and grades will be posted in the website grade book. Tests will not be reviewed in class or answers provided until the instructor has had time to thoroughly review the test results and all grades have been posted.

Academic Misconduct Policy

Academic Integrity Statement

Indian Hills Community College expects a full commitment to academic integrity from each student. 

Academic integrity means:

  • Your work on each assignment will be completely your own
  • Your collaboration with another classmate on any assignment will be pre-approved by your instructor
  • You will not plagiarize in any form
  • You will not allow others to copy your work
  • You will not misuse content from the Internet
  • You will not manufacture or falsify data
  • You will not receive assistance from another person or other outside source (book, internet, etc) while taking any type of test or completing an online course

Academic Misconduct

Plagiarism or any form of cheating on assignments, quizzes, exams or any course materials is considered academic misconduct and will not be tolerated.  Plagiarism is defined as copying or using ideas or words (from another person, an online classmate, or an internet or print course) and presenting them as your own. Students should be aware of the various types of plagiarism when writing papers or reports. These include but are not limited to students who:

  • Buy a paper from an Internet site, another student or writer, or any other source
  • Turn in any paper that someone else has written, whether it was given to you, you download it from the Internet, or you copied it from any other source
  • Change selected parts of an existing paper, and claim the paper as your own
  • Combine the ideas from many sources and claim that they’re your own thoughts
  • Use general or specific ideas from a source without using full and correct documentation telling where you got the ideas
  • Copy or paste into your paper any key terms, phrases, sentences or longer passages from another source without using documentation to tell precisely where the material came from
  • Neglect to put quotation marks around words that you quote directly from a source, even if you document the source
    (Quitman Troyka, Lynn and Douglas Hesse. QA Compact. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2007.)

Academic Integrity Requirements

  • Indian Hills Community College requires all students taking online exams to utilize Respondus Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor.
  • Students completing make-up exams or exams through distance learning must do so through a pre-approved proctor.

Sanctions for Academic Misconduct

Indian Hills Community College takes all cases of academic misconduct seriously utilizing various forms of technology to monitor and detect academic misconduct. Faculty may require students to use technology that searches for instances of plagiarism in written assignments and software that ensures academic integrity while taking quizzes or exams. Faculty will report instances of academic misconduct through the college’s electronic reporting system. Students who commit academic misconduct are subject to the following sanctions:

  • Failure of the assignment
  • Failure of the course
  • Removal from the academic program
  • Indefinite suspension from the college

Each case of academic misconduct will be reviewed by the appropriate faculty member and college administration. Cases of academic misconduct deemed to be a serious threat to the academic mission of the program or institution may result in immediate action including indefinite suspension from the college. A higher level of sanction may be deemed appropriate if a student has prior academic misconduct offenses.

Appeal of Academic Misconduct

Students who fail a course due to academic misconduct may appeal the course failure by following the Indian Hills Community College Appeal of Final Grade Policy. Students who have reached the level of removal from an academic program or indefinite suspension from the college due to academic misconduct may appeal this decision using the following process:

  • The student wishing to complete an academic misconduct appeal hearing before the Academic Standards Committee must submit in writing and must fully state the basis for the academic misconduct appeal.  The written appeal shall be filed by the student with the Dean, Student Affairs within 15 regular academic days following the decision. The written appeal should be completed in the form of a standard business letter. The appeal letter must document the rationale for the appeal, and include appropriate facts related as to why the individual believes they did not complete academic misconduct. 
  • The Dean, Student Affairs shall present the student’s written appeal to the chairperson of the Academic Standards Committee. The written appeal shall be sent electronically to the chairperson who will set a hearing date in the consultation with other members of the Academic Standards Committee. The chairperson will have 5 regular academic days to identify the appropriate meeting date, time, and location of the hearing. The chairperson of the Academic Standards Committee will communicate in writing the date of the hearing to the student and appropriate faculty member or college administrator.
  • At least 5 regular academic days of notice must be given to the parties affected to insure an opportunity to prepare for the hearing. The Academic Standards Committee hearing shall be held in closed session unless the student requests in writing to the Chair of the Academic Standards Committee that it be open. The open session must be requested 2 regular academic days prior to the hearing.
  • During the hearing, both the student making the appeal and the faculty member or college administrator who issued the program removal or indefinite suspension shall be given the opportunity to testify and present evidence and/or witnesses. Each shall have the opportunity to hear and question adverse witnesses.
  • The Academic Standards Committee decision shall be based solely on the evidence introduced at the hearing. The student has the burden of proving that there are sufficient grounds that academic misconduct was not completed.
  • After hearing the appeal, the Academic Standards Committee shall have up to 2 regular academic days to decide either to reject the appeal or to uphold it. The Office of the Dean, Student Affairs will be notified of the decision and rationale for the decision in writing by the Academic Standards Committee chairperson. The Dean, Student Affairs shall in turn notify in writing the appropriate faculty member or college administrator of the decision. Should the appeal be granted, the committee chairperson and the faculty member or college administrator shall determine the steps to reinstate the student. The decision of the Academic Standards Committee is final.

A student who wishes to pursue the academic program removal or indefinite suspension beyond the jurisdiction of the Academic Standards Committee may submit a written appeal within five (5) days through the Dean, Student Affairs to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, who will review all facts and determine if the student’s due process rights were protected.

Professional Conduct

When caring for dental patients, employees and students must conduct themselves in a professional manner. Any serious violation or several minor violations could lead to dismissal from the program.

The following are examples of misconduct:

  • Falsifying records or dishonest behavior.
  • Leaving a clinical area during clinical hours without permission, loafing or sleeping on the premises or conducting personal business during clinic hours.
  • Failure to follow instructions or neglect of duties assigned.
  • Displaying immoral conduct, such as using alcohol or illegal drugs while on duty or reporting for clinical or class under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Fighting, horseplay, disorderly conduct, loud talking or the possession of weapons on campus or health care facility property.
  • Threatening any person while in the clinical or classroom setting.Discourtesy towards patients, dentists, hygienists, office staff or other dental assistants. This includes the use of vile or abusive language verbal and nonverbal.
  • Abuse of time spent on breaks or lunch.
  • Disregard for health care facility safety rules.
  • Smoking in unauthorized areas.
  • Chewing gum while with patients.
  • Disclosing information about patients, students, other assistants or dentists and their practices.
  • Absenteeism and tardiness.
  • Violating dress code.
  • Refusing to assist with a patient because of a patient’s race, color, sex, religion, age, socioeconomic status, beliefs or handicap.
  • Having cell phones on during the clinic or class period day.
  • Destroying, stealing or misusing facility, patient or college property.
  • Going through patient’s possessions without authorization and/or permission of the patient.
  • Refusing to provide patient care, and/or assist chairside when requested by the clinic.  

Confidentiality Policy

All patient information that students have access to is personal and private; therefore, confidentiality in Dental Hygiene is crucial.

Any violation of the “patient’s confidentiality rights” would be “just cause” for dismissal from the Dental Hygiene Program.  Violation would include, but not limited to:

  • Discussing information about a patient in a social media format (ie: twitter, Facebook, etc.), or with someone not related to the care of the patient.
  • Taking pictures of the patient for personal use or keeping.
  • Handling inappropriately the personal possessions of the patient, such as going through a patient’s purse/wallet without authorization by the patient.
  • Contacting patient by phone, email, text messaging or Facebook for personal reasons.

Social Media Policy

Social Media is a dynamic platform for interaction through words, images, audio and video.  Examples of these sites include, but are not limited to:  Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and many more. The Dental Hygiene Program at Indian Hills Community College respects the rights of its faculty and students to use social media outlets as a means of self -expression.  However, posts made on social media sites may become viral at any time or may be available on public platforms potentially permanently; even when they have been deleted from the website to which they were originally posted.  Social media sites have the potential to reflect both negatively and positively on any user’s future and their future employment.  Students and faculty at IHCC have both ethical and legal obligations with any social media communications.  Thus, IHCC has adopted this social media policy for its faculty and students.  It is the expectation of the college that its content will be adhered to.

The intent of the policy is not to restrict the flow of communication, but to provide guidance for professional, ethical and legal interactions for all of the participants.  The following, are examples of students conduct that in any form of social media are considered unprofessional and may result in disciplinary action and or dismissal from the program.   

  • Posting or discussing confidential patient/family information or photographs.  IHCC considers confidentiality of our patients and families to be of the utmost importance.  Any direct or indirect disclosure of patient or family information is subject to disciplinary action/termination.
  • Posting or discussing information about IHCC, IHCC Services, clients, employees, or anyone associated with the college.
  • Posting or discussing defamatory or false information about IHCC, college services, clients, vendors, employees or anyone associated with the college that is disparaging in nature.
  • Harassing of discriminatory postings of any discussions concerning anyone associated with IHCC.   Students are expressly prohibited from using any social media platform to harass, bully or intimidate other students, faculty or anyone associated with the college.  This would include the following: Derogatory comments with regard to race, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, political beliefs, Veteran status, etc.  This includes any and all other protected class or status information recognized by federal, state and local laws.
  • Sexually suggestive, humiliating or demeaning comments.
  • Threats to intimidate of physically harm an employee, student, of anyone associated or affiliated with the college.
  • Speaking or posting in any way on behalf of the college without explicit permission of the President of the College.
  • Posting work related pictures of college employees, students of anyone associated with the college without that persons’ permission.
  • Students are not allowed to access social media sites during any class or clinical without the express permission of the classroom or clinical instructor.  Students doing this for any non-school related purposes will be subject to disciplinary action/termination.
  • Additionally, students who identify themselves in any social media platform as an IHCC student must recognize and adhere to the following additional guidelines.  Others may view you as a representative of the college.  Because of this distinct possibility, students who choose to identify themselves in this manner are required, as a condition of their enrollment, to observe some additional guidelines when referring to the college, college employees, faculty, its’ programs and activities.  Students who identify themselves as an IHCC student must be respectful of all social media platforms and communications that make reference to IHCC, its employees, faculty or anyone associated with IHCC.  Any obscenities, profanity, vulgar language or images are prohibited.
  • Any discussions referencing conduct that is prohibited by the college or college policies is prohibited.

Any failure on the part of the student to comply with these guidelines for social media conduct will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the college.

Job Placement

The ability of a student to gain employment in their career field upon graduation is a very important part of the educational process. The department, working cooperatively with each student, will do everything possible to see that this objective is met.

  • The student is responsible for actively seeking employment.
  • The department will make students aware of known job openings in dental Hygiene.
  • The student should provide the department with placement data once a position is accepted.

Dress Code Policy

Dental Hygiene students represent the college and the profession of Dental Hygiene. It is imperative that certain standards be met and a dress code be followed. All students in Health Sciences Division should be neat and clean at all times. During class period, students may use their own judgment in attire, but it must conform to the codes of decency. Shoes must be worn at all times.

In the clinic setting, the Dental Hygiene student shall follow and be graded on these dress code standards:

Clinical Uniforms: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that the outer layer of dental clinic attire be laundered within the dental office or be disposable. In our clinic, each student will be provided a disposable outer gown to be worn over the IHCC scrubs. In each clinic setting the student must wear scrub tops and pants; therefore

The IHCC Dental Hygiene student is responsible for obtaining at least two IHCC scrub tops and two IHCC scrub pants and Two IHCC scrub jackets(official IHCC Dental Hygiene scrubs are available in the IHCC Bookstore). The student must also wear comfortable, all white shoes, all white socks. Standard athletic shoes are best, no fabric or ventilated shoes are allowed. No cotton or fabric uppers. Shoes must be kept clean and polished at all times.

Photo ID badges are a part of the uniform and are to be worn at all times the uniform is worn.

Students cannot attend their clinic without their radiation dosimeter. 

Misc. Clinical Standards:  Tattoos must be hidden. If you have a visible tattoo, you must either use a cover stick or cover the tattoo with clothing. Chewing gum is never part of the uniform and you will be reminded of that should you decide to chew gum during clinical class. Please be considerate of the fact that the odor of strong perfumes or cigarette smoke is offensive to many patients. For male students: beards and mustaches must be neatly trimmed. Gauges, tongue/ oral piercings and any visible piercings must be removed for clinic setting.

Failure to follow the IHCC Dental Hygiene clinical dress code standards will result in the student being asked to leave the Clinic until such time as the student can be in compliance with the standards.

Sexual Misconduct Policy

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106:
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

Indian Hills Community College is dedicated to providing a learning, living, and working environment that is free from sexual assault and sex discrimination. We are committed to ensuring a safe campus climate for all of our students and the entire College community. We promote fundamental rights, advance individual and institutional integrity, and uphold the vital aims of Title IX.

Supporting Transgender Students

Schools are called upon to be inclusive and supportive of transgender students. See guidelines below.  If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Title IX staff. 

  • Terminology
    • The term “gender identity” means an individual’s internal sense of gender; it may be different from or the same as the person’s sex assigned at birth.
    • The term “sex assigned at birth” means the sex designation recorded on an infant’s birth certificate.
    • The term “Transgender” means an individual whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth.
      • A “transgender male” was assigned as female at birth but identifies as male
      • A “transgender female” was assigned as male at birth but identifies as female.
    • The term “gender transition” means the process in which transgender individuals begin asserting the sex that corresponds with their gender identity instead of the sex assigned at birth. Individuals begin to live and identify as the sex consistent with their gender identity and may dress differently, adopt a new name, and/or use pronouns consistent with their gender identity. The gender transition may happen at any stage in their lives and can happen swiftly or over a long period of time.
  • Safe and Nondiscriminatory Environment
    • If a student is being targeted or harassed based on their gender identity, transgender status, or gender transition, it falls under Title IX and must be handled accordingly.
  • Identification Documents, Names/Pronouns, and Education Records
    • FERPA requirements apply to a student’s transgender status, birth name, sex assigned at birth, etc. Records can be kept regarding this information, but the records must remain private. Disclosure violates FERPA and Title IX.
    • Education records must be updated to reflect a person’s gender identity and name when requested.
    • Students must be addressed using the names and pronouns that are consistent with their gender identities.
  • Sex-Segregated Activities and Facilities
    • When housing, restrooms, locker rooms, etc. are sex-specific, transgender students must have access to the facility or activity that matches their gender identities.
    • The rules concerning athletics is slightly more complex. The NCAA has guidelines that are generally accepted; the NCAA guidelines can be found at http://www.ncaapublications.com/productdownloads/11INCL.pdf

Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy

Indian Hills Community College is dedicated to providing a learning, living, and working environment that is free from sexual assault and discrimination. We are committed to ensuring a safe campus climate for all of our students and the entire College community. We promote fundamental rights, advance individual and institutional integrity, and uphold the vital aims of Title IX.

 Indian Hills Community College prohibits sexual and gender-based misconduct in any form, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual exploitation, stalking, intimate partner violence (domestic violence and dating violence), and retaliation, all as defined in Section VII of This Policy. The College will respond to reports of sexual and gender-based misconduct in accordance with This Policy. 

Radiation Safety Policy

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) requires that an employee is considered a radiation worker if their dose exceeds 10% of the MPD(minimum permissible dose) of 5000 mrem/year.  In accordance with state guidelines for maintaining radiation exposure “As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)”, Indian Hills Community College strives to assure student exposure during clinical rotations stays under 500 mrem/year.  The action levels established are 200 mrem/quarter and 400 mrem/quarter which are below the state regulated limit of 1250 mrem/quarter.  The Dental Assisting instructors provide students with information about protecting themselves, patients, patient’s families, and the health care team.  Information is provided prior to assignments to clinical rotations.

Students in the Dental Hygiene Program receive and are required to wear a radiation monitoring badge at all times when participating in Dental Radiography I & II and while at clinical rotations.  The badge is to be worn on the collar of the over-jacket close to the thyroid gland.  It must be visible to the clinical supervisor.

To assure student safety:

  • The Radiation Safety Officer will review radiation monitoring badge reports quarterly.
  • If a student’s exposure exceeds 200 mrem in one calendar quarter, the student receives a letter and is counseled.
  • If a student’s exposure exceeds 400 mrem in one calendar quarter, the student receives a letter, is counseled, and exposure is recorded by the RSO.  The RSO will determine if any additional measures need to be taken.
  • Individual quarterly radiation monitoring badge reports are printed and distributed to students for review.  Students sign, date and return the reports that are maintained in the Program Director’s office.
  • Coursework covers information on radiation monitoring devices and radiation protection in greater detail.

Radiation Safety Officer:
Jon J. Erickson, Ph.D., DABR
Integrated Science Support, Inc.
2027 N. 36th St.
St. Joseph, MO 64506
(816)390-9011 Office
(816)294-7061 Cell

Principles of Radiation Protection

One of the responsibilities of the Dental Hygiene is to maximize the benefit from each X-Ray exposure and to minimize the radiation received by the patient. In order to accomplish this, students should practice the following guidelines:

  • Techniques:
    • Take time to position the patient and the film properly.
    • Choose exposure factors based on the patient’s size and medical history.  
  • Shielding:
    • Use the lead apron with every X-ray.
    • Thyroid collars must be used for every child.
  • Film Processing:
    • Process the films properly when using analog film.
  • Protecting Yourself:
    • You can be protected by the same techniques used to protect the patient.
    • Always wear a dosimeter to monitor exposure. Wear this at the collar level, outside the over-jacket. Failure to have your dosimeter will prevent you from participating in Radiology class and Clinical Rotation.
    • Stand at least 6 feet from the source of radiation

A “radiation protection policy acknowledgment” will be signed by each student and kept in their permanent file.

Radiation Policy

Patients selected for the Indian Hills Community College Dental Hygiene Program for radiology exposure must meet the following criteria:

The Indian Hills Community College Dental Hygiene Program uses ionizing radiation as part of its educational program.  Certain precautions must be taken to protect the health of both student and patient volunteer to be consistent with current health guidelines.

  • A completed health history form, oral examination must be completed, and radiographic treatment planned before any exposure of radiation to the client.
  • Persons must NOT have had bite wing exposures within the past 12 months to qualify for a bite wing series.  Maximum three (3) retakes or one (1) retake of a retake are allowed before instructors intervention.
  • Persons must NOT have had a Panelipse exposure OR Full-Mouth Survey within the past 3 years to have either of these surveys repeated. Seven (7) retakes are allowed for the FMS before intervention or a retake of a retake. A Panelipse cannot be retaken.
  • Women of child-bearing age must inform the dental hygiene student if they are pregnant or suspect they may be pregnant.
  • All students participating in DHY165, 290, and 310 MUST wear a dosimeter. Lack of your dosimeter will prevent you from participation in Radiology lab class and clinic.


All accepted students in the Dental Hygiene program will be required to purchase a radiation dosimeter to be used during DHY165, DHY 290, and DHY 310.   The one-time cost of the dosimeter is $30.00.Declared pregnant students will be required to purchase an additional fetal badge at $30.00.

Dosimeters shall be worn as follows:

During routine radiographic procedures, the dosimeter should be attached to the clothing on the front of the body at collar level to approximate the location of maximal radiation dose to the thyroid, head and neck.

Loss of the dosimeter or accidental exposure must be reported to the Clinical Coordinator and Program Director at once. Students must pay the cost of a new badge and the $5.00 overnight shipping to receive a replacement badge in order to avoid missing clinical classes.  Students are not allowed to participate in Advanced Dental Radiology or in Dental Hygiene Practicum I & II without their dosimeter.

Dosimeters are exchanged with the monitoring service every quarter. Students are given a minimum of two weeks’ notice for badge exchange date. Failure to exchange within the allotted time will result in loss of all professional component points for that day and each successive day past the due date.   Loss of a dosimeter will result in a $30.00 charge* plus $5.00 for overnight delivery of the replacement dosimeter.  *Fee is subject to change based on manufacturer fee change.


In the event of a life-threatening emergency in the dental clinic or classroom, emergency personnel will be notified as indicated in the Crisis Management Booklet located near the door of each classroom, laboratory and clinic.  The Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) for our building is located on the main floor near the front entrance.

All incidents, which are inconsistent with routine dental care or treatment, must be reported to the Clinical Coordinator immediately and a written report describing the incident completed. All instrument/needle sticks or other injury must be reported immediately and all paperwork must be completed within 24 hours.  If you incur an incident while at your clinical site, you MUST stop everything and contact your Clinical Coordinator immediately.

Student Injury in Class

In the event that an accident or injury occurs while the student is in the classroom, the student will have access to appropriate care. Notify the Program Director immediately. The payment for care and related costs is the responsibility of the student.

Student Expectations

A major portion of a student’s time in the Dental Hygiene program is spent in the dental clinic. Therefore, in addition to the Indian Hills Community College Catalog and the Dental Hygiene Program Policy Manual, the Dental Hygiene student will be responsible for the following:

  • Join and participate in your professional organization, Student American Dental Hygiene Association (SADHA).  Fees for membership to the organization are the responsibility of the student. 
  • Be active in the IHCC Dental Hygiene club and contribute time to fundraising and club activities.  Elections of officers are held during the first term.
  • Irreproachable personal conduct at the college, the clinic site, in transportation between and any time you are publicly wearing the approved uniform.
  • Academic achievement and skill achievement in all education situations whether in the classroom or in the dental clinic. All Dental Hygiene core classes require a “C” (78%) or above for continuing in the program.
  • Clinical supplies required for lab classes and clinic.
  • Maintenance of work standards set by the clinic and all clinical instructors.
  • Required attendance at clinic experiences, classes, seminars, and individual conferences with the instructors.
  • Participate in educational field trips that may occur outside of regular campus hours.
  • Provide drug screening, background checks, current physical report and immunization record along with any other additional requirements.
  • National Board Dental Hygiene Examination fees (NBDHE), CRDTS Examination fees (clinical exam), and State Registration fees can be located below:  

Clinical Instruction

If a student is absent from a laboratory/clinical class, they are expected to arrange time with program faculty to make up any laboratory performance competency they may have missed. It is their responsibility to obtain the information and notes from a classmate. Time to complete any competency will be arranged according to faculty availability. No student may use the dental clinic for practice of dental hygiene skills without a member of the dental hygiene faculty being present.

Clinical Class Safety Issues

To insure safety in the campus clinical class, students should be aware of the following procedures:

  • Students will receive and study information on blood and body fluid precautions, hand washing techniques and proper disposal of medical waste.
  • Students will receive and study information on hazardous materials and OSHA requirements. See Appendix on hazardous materials for a partial list of items that students may come into contact with during time spent in the dental laboratory.
  • Students are required to have hair tied back and above the collar, wash hands, glove and mask prior to disinfecting, hand sanitize before donning gloves and rewash hands when leaving clinic or after gloves are removed.
  • Clinic class ratios will be 1:5. lab class ratios will be 1:5.
  • Faculty will respond to all student requests regarding correct and safe techniques of dental hygiene skills.
  • Correct safety measures will be emphasized in every clinical and materials class.
  • Proper use of all equipment will be demonstrated by the faculty prior to student use.
  • Emergency procedures are posted near the entrances for all campus labs.

Practical Evaluations

The program faculty has prepared a list of critical Dental Hygiene skills. These skills will be evaluated by a practical examination. Critical practical skills must be passed at a minimum 78 percent level. The practical examination must be taken during the week designated by the course instructor.

Non-Smoking Policy

Iowa law has mandated that smoking is not allowed on campus or within the dental facility. This includes the use of any type of tobacco in your vehicle while on campus. As a health care student, it is recommended that you start tobacco cessation.

Cell Phone Policy

Personal cell phones/pagers/tablets are to be kept with personal belongings and not in use during class except for designated breaks. Students in violation of this policy will receive deductions in points for the class in which the infraction occurs.  Violation of the cell phone policy will result in your phone being confiscated for the remainder of the class.

Grievance and Appeals Procedures

Student Grievance Procedure for Discriminatory Practices

The following grievance procedure is for students, applicants for employment, and employees of Indian Hills Community College. This grievance procedure is also intended to coincide with the current grievance procedure for discriminatory practices and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Level 1 – A person with a grievance of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age (employment), sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, religion, and actual or potential parental, family, or marital status in its programs, activities, or employment practices may first discuss it with their instructor, immediate supervisor, administrator, or the person most directly involved in order to resolve it informally. If a resolution is achieved, the grievant should complete the electronic form on the IHCC website with the appropriate documentation. Should the grievant not be comfortable addressing the grievance with the person(s) directly involved or they are unsatisfied with the result of the Level 1 discussions, they may proceed to Level 2.

Level 2 – If the grievance is not resolved at Level 1 and the grievant wishes to pursue it further they may formalize it by completing the electronic form on the IHCC website. The grievance form must be filed within 5 business days of the date of incident. The grievance form will be routed to the next level of supervision with a copy to Brett Monaghan, Executive Dean, Student Development & Athletics (students) or Director of Human Resources (employees/applicants). At this time a meeting is arranged between the grievant, the Director of Human Resources, the grievant’s supervisor, and the next level of supervision represented in the department. This formal meeting must take place within 15 business days after the written grievance has been received in the Human Resources Office. One additional meeting may be needed to resolve the matter. A final written decision will be supplied to the grievant by the second level supervisor within 30 business days after the receipt of the original written complaint. Should the grievance not be resolved at Level 2, the grievant may proceed to Level 3.

Level 3 – At Level 3, the grievant will present a written appeal to the president within 10 business days after the grievant has received a report from the second level supervisor. The grievant may also request a personal meeting with the president or their designee. A decision will be rendered by the president or their designee within 10 business days after the receipt of the written appeal.

This procedure in no way denies the right of the grievant to file a formal complaint with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, the Federal Office of Civil Rights, or the Equal Opportunity Commission for mediation or rectification of civil rights grievances, or to seek private counsel for complaints alleging discrimination. No person filing a grievance will be subjected to coercion or retaliation for filing a grievance.

Student Health Statement

Each student is required to sign a form stating they understand and accept the essential functions expected of a Dental Hygiene student.  This form gives students the option to declare any accommodations needed to complete the program. Physical ability requirements at the beginning of the program, and return to clinical following absence due to health status, have the potential to influence patient/student safety and affect the quality of care provided by the student.

National and State criminal and dependent adult/child abuse checks are required of every student preparing to enroll in an Indian Hills Community College Health Sciences program.  The cost of the required checks is the responsibility of the student/applicant.

The Criminal and Dependent Adult/Child abuse background check procedure is established to meet the requirements for the partnerships between the College and the clinical facilities and/or sites. Certified Background is the company for criminal and background checks that  Indian Hills Community College health care uses. Students who have a criminal history, and are cleared to participate in an IHCC Health Sciences academic program, are still responsible to work with their professional licensing or certification board for determination if they are eligible to sit for that profession’s licensure or certification. Only Castlebranch a certified background is the company IHCC Health Sciences utilizes.

Timeline for Completion of Background Check Policy

  • Check must be run PRIOR to the Last day to Drop of the first term of the program, or the student will not be allowed to participate in core class or labs.
  • Students who change from 1 IHCC Health Sciences program to another without a term between may use the first program’s check ONLY if it is no more than 12 months since the initial check was run.
  • Students entering the DHY program must undergo that specific process to enter, regardless of previous checks.*
  • Students who complete a Health Sciences program and have more than one term before the next program start will need to have the check repeated, no matter how long ago the first check was completed.

Criteria used to determine whether a student is ineligible to participate in an Indian Hills Community College Health Sciences program: 

At Any Time
  • Refusal to participate in the background check or evaluation process.
  • Iowa DHS record check evaluation determines the student is not eligible to participate in the clinical portion of the course and/or to work in a health care facility.
  • A felony conviction.
  • A felony, serious misdemeanor or aggravated misdemeanor charge with an outstanding disposition or warrant.
  • A serious misdemeanor or aggravated misdemeanor conviction in which the probationary period has not been completed.
  • A criminal conviction, of any kind, related to past employment, and/or a healthcare system or organization.
  • Inclusion on the child, dependent adult and/or sexual abuse registry. 
The Past 5 Years
  • A criminal conviction of any kind related to illegal distribution or theft of drugs.
The Past 2 Years
  • A serious or aggravated misdemeanor conviction of theft or a pattern of theft convictions. 
The Past 1 Year
  • A criminal conviction related to the possession of drugs, paraphernalia, and/or illegal substances.
Any of the criteria listed below may disqualify you from enrollment in IHCC’s Health Sciences programs based on factors such as job/program relatedness, patterns, timeframes and/or completion of sentence.
  • Recent criminal conviction(s) or charges of any type.
  • A misdemeanor conviction involving domestic abuse with injury, violence, or sexual misconduct.
  • A pattern of criminal convictions or charges.
  • 2 or more OWI convictions.
While enrolled in any Health Sciences program at IHCC, it is expected that students report all child abuse, dependent adult abuse, and/or criminal activity, in which they are involved, to IHCC within forty-eight (48) hours of the incident.  Failure to do so could result in criminal charges per Iowa Code and removal from the program.

Criminal and Abuse Background Checks

Students who enroll in a non-nursing Health Sciences program will be required to complete a National Background Check through “Castlebranch a certified background company”

  • Please read the instructions prior to completing the form and submitting the online payment.  Payment is required to complete the background check. Email: https://www.castlebranch.com/

The background check must be completed prior to starting the program or as directed by the program director for special circumstances.  Students who fail to complete the required checks may not be able to attend laboratory or clinical.

Drug Testing Policy

All Health Science students will be required to have a drug screen prior to the clinical experience. The student portfolio (on the clinical documentation/Viewpoint website) will contain the drug screen results.  Those results will be available to both the student and program administrator.

The process will be as follows:

  • The student will be provided with information on setting up their account for the Viewpoint website during the mandatory program orientation
  • The student will receive a drug testing custody and control form from their Program Director/Viewpoint administrator closer to the student’s clinical rotation.  Please check with your Program Director when this requirement will be implemented. 
  • The student is responsible for the drug testing fee.
  • Viewpoint accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, debit, electronic check or money order.
  • The confirmation of payment will be issued to the student’s email address they used when they placed the order. 
  • The confirmation form will be printed as proof to the program administrator.  The confirmation order contains the student name, the date the product was purchased, the amount of the purchase, and what the clinical requirement is for.
  • The program administrator will then issue the Forensic Drug Testing Custody and Control Form.  The student will take this form to the designated laboratory site.  

How should students schedule their drug test?

  • The Ottumwa Regional Health Center Occupational Health is the designated drug testing laboratory site. 
  • Their address is:  1013 E. Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite A, Ottumwa, Iowa 52501. 
  • No appointment is necessary. 
  • Hours of operation are:  8:00-11:45am and 1:00-4:30pm, Monday through Friday.
  • Take the Forensic Drug Testing Custody and Control Form to Ottumwa Regional Health Center Occupational Health Department.  
  • Results will be submitted to the Viewpoint Certified Background database from the lab testing site.  

Who gets the results?

  • The test results will first be reported to the Medical Review Officer (MRO) associated with Viewpoint for review and interpretation. 

Negative Results:

  • Negative Test Result: notice will be posted on the Viewpoint student account of passing the initial drug or alcohol test and this will be flagged as green.

Positive Results:

  • If the result is positive, the MRO will contact the student to report a confirmed positive test result to the student. 
  • The MRO will directly contact the student to confirm any proof of the student prescriptions and make any necessary updates to the positive test result.
  • The MRO will contact the student several times in a week to report a confirmed positive test result to the student.
  • Positive test results will flag as yellow in the student’s ViewPoint portal.
  • Directors/Viewpoint administrators will always have access to these flagged results via the student’s health portal
  • The student may contact Quest at 800-877-7484.  The hours of operation for Quest when making this phone call will be between 8-5 EST.
  • Any questions regarding the results of any drug or alcohol test may be directed to the MRO via the chat option in their ViewPoint account.
  • The student is responsible for the cost of the second confirmatory test.
  • During the second confirmatory process, students may be suspended from the clinical and/or classroom experience.

Right to Secondary Confirmatory Test: 

  • A student with a confirmed positive test result may ask for a second confirmatory test using ONLY the results from the first test sample from another approved laboratory within seven days of the IHCC mailing of the positive test results to the student. 
  • The confirmatory test will be conducted on a portion of the sample collected at the same time as the sample that produced the positive test result.
  • The student is responsible for the cost of second confirmatory test.
  • The sample of collection test will be split in the presence of the individual student to allow for the confirmatory testing of any initial positive test result.
  • During the confirmatory process, students may be suspended from the clinical and/or classroom experience.

Confirmed Positive Results:

  • Students with any confirmed positive results will be withdrawn from the program.

Legal Medication/Drugs Notification

  • A student must notify the clinical supervisor or Program Director whenever they are using a prescription or over-the-counter drug, which may affect safety or work-performance.
  • In making this determination, the student is responsible for consulting with their licensed healthcare professional and reviewing any warning on the label to determine if any medication or drug would adversely affect the student’s ability to safely perform essential functions of the clinical or classroom experience. 
  • If the student is deemed by a Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner to be safe during the clinical or classroom experience, a “release to attend clinical/classroom document” is required to be signed and kept in the student’s file at IHCC. 
  • The student who does not fully disclose this information will be subject to possible disciplinary action which may lead to dismissal from the program.

Prescription medications that do not impair performance may be brought to the clinical site and should be taken as prescribed.  All prescription drugs must be kept in the pharmacy dispensed container.

Testing due to reasonable suspicion:

  • Once a student is enrolled in the program, if there is a reasonable suspicion of drug or alcohol use, the Program Director will have the right to approve an additional drug or alcohol test at the student’s expense.  The clinical site also has the right to request a drug/alcohol test at the student’s expense.

Reasonable suspicion may include, but is not limited to:

  • Student behavior or conduct including physical manifestations
  • Evidence that the involved student has caused or contributed to a clinical or classroom related accident
  • Objective signs that the involved student may have used drugs or alcohol (i.e., slurred speech, staggering gait, odor of alcohol), or reports from others of a clinical “accident”, slurred speech, etc.

When a Program Director, faculty member or clinical instructor has suspicion of alcohol or drug use during the clinical experience, the following steps will be taken:

  • Remove student from the patient care area or assigned work area and notify the clinical instructor and the Program Director.
  • Consult with another faculty, clinical instructor, or employee for verification of suspicions in a confidential manner.
  • Upon verification by a second person, inform the student that they are relieved from duty and that there is a need “for cause” drug/alcohol screening.
  • If the student admits to alcohol and/or drug use, the student must undergo urine drug testing.
  • Pending the resolution of any testing, the student will be suspended from clinical and/or classroom sites.
  • A student subsequently found to have positive test results will be removed from the program.
  • All incidents involving “reasonable suspicion” drug testing in the clinical setting will be handled with strict confidentiality.
  • Costs for “reasonable suspicion” drug testing are the student’s responsibility.

Transportation of student after reasonable suspicion:

  • An unimpaired person (such as a family member or friend) or taxi cab must transport the student to nearing testing facility.  A release form must be signed by the person transporting the student and provided to the Clinical Supervisor/Program Director.  If a taxi is transporting the student, the person observing the student enter the taxi may sign the release form and provide the form to the Clinical Supervisor/Program Director. 
  • If the nearest testing facility is at the clinical site, the student should be sent for testing and then an unimpaired individual or taxi cab should take the student home.  If a taxi is transporting the student, the person observing the student enter the taxi may sign the release form.
  • While awaiting transport, the student should not be allowed to leave a supervisor’s presence or ingest any substances.
  • If the student insists on driving, either clinic supervisor or Program Director will notify law enforcement.
  • Pending the resolution of any testing, the student will be suspended from clinical and field sites.  
  • A student subsequently found to have positive test results will be removed from the program.

If the student refuses “reasonable suspicion” testing:

  • Have an unimpaired individual or taxi take the student home
  • Document the following in writing:
    • Student behavior
    • Actions taken
    • Written statement of person verifying behaviors
    • Student’s response
  • Contact the Clinical Supervisor/Program Director as soon as possible and deliver written documentation to the Clinical Supervisor/Program Director within 3 days of the incident.
  • Students who refuse reasonable suspicion testing will be removed from the program.

If a facility other than the approved testing site at Ottumwa Regional Health Center performs drug/alcohol testing:

  • The student is obligated to notify the Program Director of any request by a clinical site for additional testing due to reasonable suspicion. 
  • If tested by a clinical site, the student shall provide the Program Director with a copy of any test results. 
  • Failure to promptly notify the Program Director shall be ground for dismissal from the program. 
  • The student is responsible for any expense incurred with testing.

If a student voluntarily discloses a drug or alcohol problem:

  • If a student voluntarily discloses that they have an alcohol/drug problem and requests assistance, they are then referred to their health care provider for appropriate care. 
  • Students may be temporarily suspended from the program and/or clinical experience until such time as they have completed drug/alcohol treatment and are considered safe to return to both the classroom and clinical site by a Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.

Minor Students:

  • Any minor student under the age of 18 must abide by the criminal background checks and drug screen policy specific to their program of study.
  • A parent or legal guardian of a student under the age of 18 must sign an acknowledgment of receipt of a copy of this policy.
  • Those students who are minors under the age of 18 must obtain parental/legal guardian consent.
  • Lack of consent for testing will disqualify the minor from continued clinical participation and participation in the Program.

Providing False Information:

  • Any student who provides false information when completing paperwork required for a drug test or when responding to required questions for an alcohol or drug screen test will be removed from the Program. 
  • Any student who dilutes, contaminates, tampers with, alters or interferes in any way with the collection of a specimen for testing purposes will removed from the program.


  • The costs of alcohol or drug rehabilitation, treatment and counseling will be the responsibility of the student.
  • Costs of drug/alcohol testing are the responsibility of the student

Students who complete a Health Sciences program and have more than one term before the next program start will need to have the check repeated, no matter how long ago the first check was completed.

While enrolled in any Health Sciences program at IHCC, it is expected that students report all child abuse, dependent adult abuse, and/or criminal activity, in which they are involved, to IHCC within forty-eight (48) hours of the incident.  Failure to do so could result in criminal charges per Iowa Code and removal from the program.

The background check through Viewpoint must be completed prior to starting the program or as directed by the program director for special circumstances.  Students who fail to complete the required checks may not be able to attend laboratory or clinical.

Students may be required by a clinical facility to have a drug screen prior to beginning clinical/fieldwork experience. Students will be provided with information on approved screening agencies by the dental hygiene program. The student is responsible for any fee.

 A confirmed positive test will result in dismissal from the clinic and from the program. A positive test is considered for any illegal substances (as defined by state and federal regulation) and/or any medications for which the student does not have appropriate physician orders/scripts, along with documented and recent physician note documenting that they are under their care for a diagnosed medical condition and that the medication is for the treatment of that condition.

The student is expected to provide a FULL list of medications/drugs along with dosages, frequency, and the last time they were ingested, at the time of the drug screen. Some medications can remain in the system for up to a month or longer, and some tests will be sensitive enough to pick up consumption several months ago.

A test showing that the student has ingested a medication for which they are appropriately prescribed might still require provision of additional testing and documentation; proving that the levels are in the therapeutic range and are not recreational. This validation is again at the student’s expense. Failure to comply with this policy could result in the immediate dismissal from the program.

If the student has a substance abuse problem, they should seek help. The student can contact their primary care provider or local substance abuse center/treatment center.

Clinical Protective Health Policy

The Dental Hygiene faculty at Indian Hills Community College believes that physical and mental health is essential components of well-being and are imperative for successful performance in the Dental Hygiene program. An alteration or limitation in physical or mental function has the potential to influence patient/Dental Hygiene safety and affect the quality of care provided by the student.

To assure that patient safety is not compromised and to avoid the increased risk of student injury, the Dental Hygiene faculty, using professional knowledge and judgment, may request the student to leave the clinical setting if the student’s physical or mental status is impaired. Physical and mental impairment that potentially may affect student performance in the clinical setting may include, but is not limited to:

  • Contagious Conditions (ie: Chicken Pox, Influenza, Herpes Simplex)
  • Immune-Suppressed Conditions (ie: Chemotherapy, Acute infections)
  • Physical Limitations (ie: Back/Neck Injury, Fracture, Sprain, Surgery)
  • Impairment of Judgment/Mental Functions (ie: Prescription Drug/Alcohol Use/Abuse)
  • Cognitive Impairment (ie: Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Depression)
  • Uncorrected Visual/Hearing Impairment

When the faculty member becomes aware of any of the identified or similar conditions, the following procedure will be followed:

  • After gathering sufficient information concerning the physical and/or mental status of the student, the instructor will determine the feasibility of the student remaining in the clinical setting. If it is determined that the student is not able to perform at the expected level due to physical illness or limitations and/or mental impairment, the student will be dismissed from the clinical setting.
  • The student will be notified that dismissal from the clinic setting will result in a clinical absence or absences that will be addressed as specified in the Program Policy Manual.
  • The instructor will notify the Program Director of the student’s health status and the action taken within 24 hours.
  • Documentation of the student’s status and instructor’s action will be completed on a Conference Report within 24 hours and a copy will be submitted to the IHCC Health Sciences Department Office within 48 hours.
  • A signed note by a physician (MD or DO) will be required at the discretion of the instructor and in consultation with the Dean before the student can return to the clinical setting. Information provided by the physician must include a statement confirming that the student’s condition has resolved and no longer present a patient/student safety concern. The student must be able to resume functioning at a level compatible with meeting clinical requirements and achieving clinical competence. 
  • The student will be required to sign a student health statement before returning to clinical. Physical Ability Forms will be available with the Dental Hygiene instructors or in the Health Occupations Office.
  • Uncorrected Visual/Hearing Impairment

Hazardous Substance List

This is a partial list of the main hazardous substances found in a dental clinic that you may be exposed to. You are entitled (under law) to be informed of any material(s) or chemical(s) you work with that may be hazardous to your health or the environment. Employers must make available to employees, Safety Data Sheets, (SDS) supplied by manufacturers. SDS must explain in detail, the hazard associated with the material; preventative measures to avoid danger, and the first aid measures to be taken. Dental Hygiene Faculty have made SDS sheets for these materials and chemicals available to students by compiling an SDS Binder located in the Dental Materials Lab.

The following substances are used in the Dental Hygiene program.

Lysol (phenol) Flammable, avoid eye and food contact Flush eyes (remove contact lenses)
Bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite) Skin and lung irritant.  Don’t mix with any other cleanser. Flush skin or eyes
Glutaraldehyde Avoid skin and eye contact. Flush
X-ray Developer Avoid skin and eye contact. Flush
X-ray Fixer Avoid skin and eye contact. Flush
Acid Etch Gel Avoid eye, skin or mucous membrane contact. Flush
Cavity Varnishes May contain acetone, ether or chloroform.  Flammable avoid inhalation. Keep away from open flame.  Use in well ventilated area
Gypsum products Eye and lunch irritant Wear protective shields
Curing light Blind spot or retina damage.  Do not look at light.   Wear special glasses
Acrylic Monomer (Methyl Methacrylate) Flammable.  Avoid inhalation.  Avoid skin contact. Do not use near heat source or flame.  Work in well-ventilated area

Physical Examinations

Student Dental Hygienists will be in direct contact with patients at the clinic. It is extremely important that each student have a physical examination prior to starting the clinical component to assure both the student and the affiliate that the student is physically able to participate in the activities required of a Dental Hygienist.  Each student will have a physical performed by a licensed Physician or Advanced Nurse Practitioner or Physician’s Assistant. In addition, documentation and/or results of the following immunizations and tests is required: Poliomyelitis; MMR or Rubella; Mantoux Skin Test for Tuberculosis (1 if test has been performed within one year or two if no test has been performed); Tetanus/Diptheria Booster; and Hepatitis B (optional). The completed form will be kept in the student’s permanent file. TB skin tests will be expected to be kept current during the length of the Dental Hygiene program, if the skin test expires during the program year it will need to be renewed.

Bloodborne Pathogens and HIV Policy

Students may be participating in activities within the Health Occupations programs, which have potential for exposure to infectious diseases including but not limited to: Hepatitis B and HIV. Health occupations students must take all necessary precautions to minimize the risk of exposure. Students who fail to comply with the bloodborne pathogen and HIV policy may be asked to withdraw from the Dental Hygiene program.

In the event of a significant exposure (i.e. an incident involving eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skill, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious material, including saliva), the student must report the incident immediately to their clinical site supervisor or Clinical Coordinator. The Clinical Coordinator or Program Director will file a safety/loss report form describing the incident. The completed form will be submitted to the Dean of Health Sciences within 24 hours.

Follow-up evaluation will be required consistent with federal regulations. This may involve going to their personal physician or the emergency room. Students are responsible for the cost of their own medical care.

Hepatitis B Information

It is highly recommended that all students providing direct patient or child care in the Health Science Division receive an immunization against Hepatitis B. Although it is not required, it is highly recommended and is considered to be an extremely good investment. Students are particularly vulnerable to contamination as their hand washing skills generally are not yet developed. Although the incidence of the infection is relatively low, the outcome can be fatal. Since there is a vaccine available, all health care providers who are at risk are encouraged to become immunized.

Health care professionals are at an increased risk of contracting Hepatitis B infection. Hepatitis B is usually spread by contact with infected blood or blood products and the risk of acquiring Hepatitis B increases with the frequency of blood contact. Hepatitis B virus may also be found in other body fluids such as: urine, tears, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Hepatitis B infection can have severe consequences, including progressive liver damage and the possibility of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. Six to ten percent of the people who contract the virus become chronic carriers.

Vaccination is the only available means of protection against Hepatitis B. No currently available therapy has proven effective in eliminating the infection. This vaccine, prepared from recombinant yeast cultures, is free of association with human blood or blood products. Full immunization requires three doses of the vaccine over a six month period. Because of the long incubation period for Hepatitis B, it is possible for an unrecognized infection to be present at the time the vaccine is given, and in that case, the vaccine would not prevent the development of clinical hepatitis. You will need your physician’s approval or order prior to being immunized. They will provide you with information regarding the contraindications and side effects of the vaccine. Contact your physician for additional information.

 As part of the curriculum, all students in Health Sciences programs will receive instruction regarding Hepatitis B and HIV prior to providing patient care. This instruction shall include but not be limited to:

  • Epidemiology
  • Method of transmission
  • Standard blood and body fluid precautions
  • Types of protective clothing and equipment
  • Work practices appropriate to the skills they will perform
  • Location of appropriate clothing and equipment
  • How to properly use, handle and dispose of contaminated articles
  • Action to be taken in the event of spills or personal exposure
  • Appropriate confidentiality and reporting requirements
  • Review of program policy related to refusal to care for specific patients.

Post Exposure Procedure

If a student has been exposed to a contaminant parenterally (needle stick or cut) or superficially through a mucous membrane (eye or mouth) they are to follow the following procedure:

  • Stop work immediately
  • Immediately wash the affected area with the appropriate solution (soap & water or alcohol & water)
  • Seek appropriate medical attention through their personal physician (students are responsible for their own medical care). This may include baseline testing for HIV antibody at this time, followed by a recommended series of testing. (Physicians may also inquire about the students’ status in regard to tetanus and hepatitis immunization at this time
  • Follow instructional (facility) policy regarding determining HIV and hepatitis status of patient (students are responsible for the costs to any testing).
  • Maintain confidentiality of patient
  • Seek appropriate counseling regarding risk of infection.
  • Fill out and submit all required IHCC forms to the Program Director that day.

Guidelines for HIV Positive Health Care Providers

  • The Center for Disease Control has specific guidelines for health care workers which are revised periodically. They have been incorporated into these policies and are reviewed annually.
  • There shall be no routine serological testing or monitoring of students for Hepatitis B or HIV infection.
  • Barrier or standard blood and body fluid precautions are to be used routinely for all patients. These include:
    • The use of gloves when:
      • Assisting chairside with any patient.
      • There is, at any time, a possibility of spillage of blood or body fluid onto the student’s hands.
      • Taking any kind of impression, bite registration or delivering any kind of appliance
    • The use of masks, protective eyewear and over-gowns when there is a possibility of fluids splashing onto the face or body and clothing.

Specific Guidelines for Known HIV Infected Students

  • HIV positive Health Sciences students who do not perform invasive procedures need not be restricted from work/clinical experiences unless they have other illnesses or signs and symptoms for which such restrictions would be warranted.
  • HIV positive Health Sciences  students should wear gloves for direct contact with mucous membrane or non-intact skin of patients.
  • HIV positive Health Sciences students who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis should refrain from direct patient care and from handling patient care equipment and utensils.
  • Reasonable accommodations will be made within the curriculum to assist the HIV positive student to meet course/program objectives.
  • The facility policy for clinical experiences will supersede college policy if they are more stringent.

Confidentiality will be maintained whenever possible, with only appropriate individuals being informed of the HIV status of a health sciences student.

Provision of Care

  • Assignments are made in the clinical setting to enhance and/or reinforce student learning. It is the expectation that students will provide care for clients to whom they are assigned. In the event that a student refuses to care for an individual the following will occur:
    • In consultation with the student, the facility member will determine the reason for the refusal.
    • If the reason is determined to be valid the student will be reassigned.
    • If the reason is determined to be not valid the student will be counseled about unethical conduct and discriminating against a client regarding but not limited to the following: age, race, sex, economic status or illness of the patient or client.
    • If it is determined that the reason for refusal to care for a specific individual is as noted above, the student will be counseled to reconsider their future in health care. 

The Executive Dean of Health Sciences shall be notified of any such occurrence and may meet with the student, along with the faculty member to discuss options, one of which may be withdrawal from the program.  

Pregnancy Policy

According to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Regulator Guide 8.13 a student enrolled in the Dental Hygiene program who becomes pregnant will be provided the following options related to the pregnancy:

The regulations allow a pregnant student to decide whether to formally declare the pregnancy to the advantage of lower dose limit for the embryo/fetus.

The choice whether to declare a pregnancy is completely voluntary.

The Dental Hygiene program provides the following options:

  • A student may voluntarily declare the pregnancy by notifying the Program Director in writing and providing a physician’s statement that includes name, a declaration of pregnancy, the estimated date of conception  (month and year), and the date that the Program Director was provided the letter. If this option is chosen the student will conference with the Program Director regarding the regulations and potential risks.

If the student chooses to voluntarily declare the pregnancy, the following options will be provided. The student may:

  • Sign a Release of Liability Statement releasing Indian Hills Community College and the dental clinical education setting from liability and to continue in the program. The signed, “Release of Responsibility for Pregnancy” (available through the Program Director), will be included in the student’s permanent IHCC record. The student will review a copy of the Radiation Protection Regulations and Current Reports from the National Council for Radiation Protection and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission regarding the effects of ratios on the unborn fetus. The student will be required to wear an additional fetal monitoring dosimeter and will be directed in the use of this dosimeter.
  • Withdraw from the program and reenter when an opening is available. Typically, this would be the following year.
  • If the student chooses not to declare the pregnancy, no further action by the Program Director or other officials will result. 
  • Students will be required to sign off on the pregnancy policy, stating their understanding of it.

Tuberculosis Policy

Indian Hills Community College programs in Health Sciences have adopted the following policy:

Students enrolled in the clinical education portion of all Health Sciences programs will not knowingly be assigned to provide care to individuals who have active tuberculosis.

IHCC does and will continue to require an annual Mantoux tuberculosis test on all students at their own expense. Initially students will be required to complete two Mantoux tests if they have not had a previous one within the past year. See Student Physical Form.

If a student is exposed to an individual who tests positive for tuberculosis, the protocol for medical follow-up of the institution where the student is assigned will be implemented.

Staff Directory

Name Position Phone
Dr. Jill Budde Executive Dean, Career & Workforce Education 641-683-5165
Heidi Jones Associate Dean, Health Sciences 641-683-5292
Jody Williams Program Director, Dental Hygiene 641-683-5120
Michelle Engle Administrative Assistant, Health Sciences 641-683-5164

IHCC also has a toll free 800 line, 1-800-726-2585. The extension you desire would be the last four numbers of the regular telephone number.

Physical Examination and Immunizations

Special attention is given to health occupations students whose curriculum includes patient or patient specimen contact. A physical examination, immunization record and health history is required to detect and prevent communicable diseases which may put the students, other students, colleagues and/or patients at risk.


The examination must be completed by a physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner of the student’s choice. Any incurred expenses are the student’s responsibility.

Completed forms must be submitted to the Health Sciences Office. Records will be retained, and treated confidentially. No information will be released without written consent of the student.

Forms must be completed by the first week of classes, or earlier as required by the program.

Students must ensure that all required information is provided. You will be contacted if your information is incomplete. Students will not be permitted to enter the dental clinical facility until their forms are approved.


Students must have proof of all immunizations and tests listed on the Examination Form.

All immunizations must have a date of administration and be current per the guidelines.

Clinical and Laboratory Practice:

Students are required to inform clinical and laboratory instructors of any condition/disease that may require safety precautions to safeguard the student and others (i.e. diabetes, seizures etc.)

Changes in your health status (i.e. pregnancy, back injury, infectious disease) occurring after the completion of your health physical should be reported to your Program Director.

Recommended Vaccinations

Hepatitis B:

  • Information: OSHA and the Iowa Occupation Safety and Health Division have rules and regulations governing who should receive Hepatitis B vaccine. Since persons with Hepatitis B may become critically ill or die, it is recommended that all Health Sciences students involved in direct patient care receive the vaccine series prior to clinical coursework. The Hepatitis vaccine is a synthetic vaccine, manufactured from the yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.
  • Exposure: Exposure to Hepatitis B includes any percutaneous and mucous membrane exposure to blood or other body fluids (i.e. vaginal secretions, spinal fluid). Generally, exposure occurs via needle sticks, cuts, blood onto broken/chapped skin and infectious material splashed into eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Indications: Anyone with potential for exposure to blood, body fluids or tissue.
  • Contraindications: Anyone with an allergy to yeast, thimerisol or any other component of the vaccine should not be vaccinated. Vaccination should be postponed during acute illness.
  • Administration: Hepatitis B vaccine requires three doses. The second dose occurs one month after initial dose. A third does is due six months after initial dose. Booster recommended in ten years.
  • Effectiveness: Approximately 95% of vaccinated people develop desired antibodies. A fourth dose may produce antibodies in people unresponsive to the initial three doses.
  • Pregnancy and Nursing: The effect of the vaccine on fetuses and nursing infants is unknown. Women who are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or are nursing should consult a physician.
  • Adverse Reactions: Hepatitis B vaccine is generally well tolerated. Soreness at the injection site is the most common side effect. Other side effects include, but are not limited to: fatigue, fever, headache, dizziness, chills, influenza-like symptoms, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, asthma-like symptoms, abnormal liver function tests, Guillian-Barre syndrome, Bell’s Palsy and Tranverse Myelitis.

Hepatitis A:

  • Information: Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for people with chronic liver disease, intravenous drug users, people practicing unsafe sex, people with clotting disorders or people who work with Hepatitis A in experimental settings. If you have questions about your risk factor for Hepatitis A, please consult your physician.

Varicella (Chickenpox):

  • Information: Adults who have not had chickenpox should be vaccinated. Adults with reliable histories of chickenpox are assumed to be immune. If you have questions about the Varicella vaccine, please consult your healthcare provider.

Basic Life Support Policy

IHCC Dental Hygiene program requires that all dental hygiene students, faculty, instructors and staff be current in CPR/AED certification throughout the entire dental hygiene program.  Faculty that is not current will be excused from clinical responsibilities without compensation of time or money. Students will not receive credit for clinic time or be allowed in the clinic treating clients. The student will need to make up the lost clinic time and the client that they were to see that day will be transferred to another available student or finished by an instructor.

Non-Discrimination Statement

It is the policy of Indian Hills Community College not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age (employment), sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, religion, and actual or potential parental, family, or marital status in its programs, activities, or employment practices as required by the Iowa Code §§216.6 and 216.9, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d and 2000e), the Equal Pay Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 206, et seq.), Title IX (Educational Amendments, 20 U.S.C §§ 1681 – 1688), Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794), and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq.).

If you have questions or complaints related to compliance with this policy, please contact Director, Human Resources/Equity Coordinator (staff), 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA 52501, 683-5108, [email protected]; Brett Monaghan, Executive Dean, Student Development & Athletics (students), 683-5159, [email protected]; Noel Gorden, Dean, Centerville Campus & Learning Services (students with disabilities), 683-5174, [email protected]; U.S. Department of Education, Citigroup Center, 500 W. Madison, Suite 1475, Chicago, IL 60661, phone number 312/730-1560, fax 312/730- 1576.
